Military Budget watch


Pentagon watch

Re-ordering America's Priorities / Reducing U.S. Military Budget

Fiscal Year 2001 Military Budget
Fiscal Year 2002 Budget Request
The Iron Triangle - the new military buildup (2/02)
Military Spending Drains the Economy (7/02)

Military spending set to go through the roof - FY2003
Sky High - The military busts the 2003 federal budget
Pentagon's Fiscal Year 2003 Budget Request: More of Everything
A Wasteful, Bloated [FY2003] Military Budget (3/02)
Increase Military Spending?
10 Myths About the Defense Budget
Military Spending
Reducing the U.S. Military Budget
Why a Cold War Budget Without a Cold War?
Military budgets - 1997
Military budget boondoggle - 1997
Military budgets - 1998
1998 Military Budget - Center for Defense Information
More Bucks for the Bang [military budget] (12/99)

Military budget, Weapons, and Waste
The Return of Reagan - US military budget after Reagan
In God we trust? - The Federal Budget as a statement of values (4/02)
Military Spending Soars to Dizzying Heights (4/02)
Tell Congress to Spend Your Taxes the Way You Want (4/03)
The War on the Budget: Undermining the Common Good (6/03)
Shift Budget Priorities - August 2003
Some Things You Haven't Yet Heard About the 2004 Defense Budget, And Probably Never Will
How the War Machine is Driving the US Economy (1/04)

The Bush Budget - more the military and more deficits (3/04)
Military Budget FY 2004 - Office of Management and Budget - 2004

U.S. Military Budget (4/05)
Global military arms expenditures (8/05)
Official Reveals Budget for U.S. Intelligence (11/05)
Military Lunacy: How About A Bit Of Common Sense? (3/06)
Fiscal Year 2007 Federal Budget Proposal - Combined Mandatory and Discretionary Spending (3/06)
U.S. Military Spending and the Cost of the Wars (7/06)
So, You Think You Know the Cost of the Wars? (9/06)
One hour of Iraq spending could treat 817,000 cases of malaria (11/07)
Pentagon Seeks Record Level in 2009 Budget (2/08)
The Wages of Peace (3/08)

The Pentagon Strangles Our Economy: Why the U.S. Has Gone Broke (4/08)
An Expanding Military Budget Taxpayers Can't Afford - Senator Bernie Sanders (5/08)
The Mega-Pentagon: A Bush-Enabled Monster We Can't Stop (5/08)
Rising Military Expenditure: The Coming U.S. Budget Attack (11/09)
The Pentagon budget: largest ever and growing (11/09)

Massive Hike in Military Spending Financed by Cuts in Health and Education (12/09)
Escalating War in Afghanistan Apt to Hurt Fragile U.S. Economy (12/09)
Pentagon Spending For War Exceeds That Of All State Governments Combined (12/09)

Pentagon watch

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