The Legacy of U.S. War Crimes
- Carl Boggs
excerpted from the book
Masters of War
Militarism and Blowback in
the Era of American Empire
edited by Carl Boggs
Routledge, 2003, paper

Consistent with the general political mythologies that shroud
American foreign and military policies, namely that the U.S. has
historically been a force behind human rights, democracy, and
lawful behavior in global affairs, any serious public discourse
around U.S. culpability for terrible abuses of democratic practice
and international law-much less for war crimes or crimes against
humanity-has always been taboo, outside legitimate debate. As
far as the established media, political system, and academic world
are concerned, the nation's international presence has been a
taken-for-granted benevolent one, motivated by good intentions
and dedicated to human progress despite occasional flaws or mistakes
in carrying out its policies. War crimes are demonic, barbaric
actions carried out by others-Nazis, Serbs, Iraqis, Rwandans,
Chinese, Japanese, and of course terrorists. Even where the U.S.
and its allies or surrogates have been clearly shown to commit
atrocities of one sort or another, these are justified within
the larger humanitarian design of Western values and interests,
or they simply wind up obscured to the point of vanishing from
public view.
The historical reality is that the U.S. drive for economic, political,
and military domination has led to massive and horrific war crimes,
to repeated and ~ flagrant violations of international law-a legacy
easily documented but one which has been obscured, covered up,
or simply ignored within the national c ethos of denial. The U.S.
record of war crimes has been, from the nineteenth century to
the present, a largely invisible one with no government, no political
leaders, no military officials, no lower-level operatives held
accountable for criminal actions. A culture of militarism has
saturated the public sphere, including academia, endowing all
U.S. interventions abroad with a patina of patriotic goodness
and democratic sensibilities beyond genuine interrogation. Anyone
challenging this mythology is quickly marginalized, branded a
traitor or Communist or terrorist or simply a lunatic beyond the
pale of reasonable discussion. After 9/11 this situation has worsened:
a nominally liberal-democratic system has moved ever more ominously
along the road of corporatism, authoritarianism, and narrowing
public discourses. American society today exhibits every sign
of ideological closure, one-dimensionality, and erosion of civic
culture accompanied by the rise of national chauvinism and hostility
to foreign influences, exacerbated by the spring 2003 invasion
and occupation of Iraq. Recent ideological trends involve a steadfast
refusal to confront the larger context of U.S. foreign policy
or to reflect upon the far-reaching consequences of U.S. empire,
as if the terrorist attacks occurred in a historical void. Of
course psychological denial has profound ramifications, for with
it a siege mentality can readily appear-and such a mentality seems
to have gripped much of American public life. As Chalmers Johnson
writes in Blowback: "What we have freed ourselves of . .
. is any genuine consciousness of how we might look to others
on this globe. Most Americans are probably unaware of how Washington
exercises its global hegemony since so much of this activity takes
place either in relative secrecy or under comforting rubrics.
Many may, as a start, find it hard to believe that our place in
the world even adds up to an empire. Nowhere is this proposition
more evident than in the sphere of war crimes discourse.
Sven Lindquist
"The laws of war protect [those]
of the same race, class, and culture. The laws of war leave the
foreign and the alien [and one might add weak] without protection."
NATO's Hague Tribunal
By the 1990s, after a full century of
treaties, conventions, and tribunals designed to establish legal
criteria for governing the military behavior of nations no truly
universal structure for this purpose had been established. Principles
embodied in the various Hague and Geneva Protocols along with
the Nuremberg and Tokyo courts set up after World War II-much
of which found its way into the UN Charter of 1948-had never become
internationally binding in legal or political terms. The great
promise of Nuremberg to hold political and military leaders responsible
for war crimes and crimes against humanity did not come to fruition.
Finally, in 1998, a majority of nations ( 139 in all) met in Rome
to ratify a treaty creating an International Criminal Court that
would allow for binding global jurisdiction. The Court would be
a professional, impartial body charged with bringing leaders and
others to justice for assorted war crimes, genocide, and crimes
against humanity. In July 2002, the Court became a reality, confirming
the long-held hopes of human-rights partisans around the world.
Unfortunately, however, the U.S. took a fiercely hostile stance
to the Court from the outset, first refusing to sign the treaty
and then setting out to sabotage the body's operations. The U.S.
government, first under Clinton and then under Bush, insisted
upon "guarantees" that no American officials or military
personnel could be brought before the Tribunal; the nation with
the only truly global military presence wanted immunity.
The U.S. was threatening to paralyze UN
peacekeeping operations in Bosnia and elsewhere if it could not
receive assurance that Americans would be insulated from Criminal
Court prosecution-conditions that backers of the Court found politically
and legally untenable. Having refused to endorse the Tribunal,
the U.S. now demanded special exemption from possible charges,
arguing that it might be the target of "politically-motivated"
legal actions. Despite broad support for the Court, Bush was able
to say (in early July 2002): ". . . the one thing we're not
going to do is sign on to the Criminal Court." Within a week
of this statement, the U.S. was able to muscle through the Security
Council a resolution granting U.S. troops and officials a renewable
one-year exemption from investigation or prosecution by the International
Court. But the U.S. exemption turned out to be outrageously illegal
not to mention politically corrupt. As one long-time observer
at the UN remarked: "We do not think it is the business of
the Security Council to interpret treaties that are negotiated
somewhere else." The resolution was not only in flagrant
opposition to the world consensus, it effectively validated the
idea that the U.S. is free to stand outside the canons of international
law. Such exceptionalism renders the Court and its procedures
a mockery, since laws and procedures clearly require universality
to be legitimate and effective. At precisely the time all this
was taking place, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld outlined
a series of sweeping proposals that would drastically weaken Congressional
oversight of the Pentagon-the idea being to provide the military
with more freedom than ever to conduct its domestic and global
business, a move Justified by the war against terrorism. Further,
U.S. efforts to subvert the Criminal Court while expanding the
scope of Pentagon power coincided with Bush's aggressive new strategy
of "preemptive strike" directed, for the moment, against
... the ICTY as a first-rate fraud. From the very outset this
Tribunal was totally biased and one-sided, hardly the product
of universal jurisprudence-inevitable given that the Tribunal
was set up and financed by the NATO powers (above all the U.S.)
and received the bulk of its investigative and informational resources
from these same powers, the very powers that carried out seven
weeks of intensive military aggression against the Serbs. The
fraudulence is quickly shown by the obvious one-sidedness of the
indictments: after many years of violent civil wars involving
not only Serbs but Croatians, Bosnian Muslims, Kosovar Albanians,
and myriad paramilitary groups of varying ideological and ethnic
makeup, not to mention the intense period of covert and armed
intervention by NATO powers, we are told to believe that only
the Serbs were guilty of atrocities, that all others were simply
victims of a singular evil force, that others were victims only
while Serbs themselves were never victimized. This scenario, constructed
mainly by Western public relations firms and the mass media, defies
all logic. Indeed the Serbs could be said to have suffered most,
especially when the calculations of merciless NATO/U.S. bombings
are taken into account. Without doubt Serbs were responsible for
atrocities, but historical evidence from the field, unfiltered
by propaganda, shows convincingly that atrocities were committed
on all sides and that Serbs too were abundantly on the receiving
end of war crimes. The Hague Tribunal has completely ignored this
complex history, dismissing those instances where Serbs experienced
the horrors of civil war-for example several thousand killed and
at least 500,000 displaced in Croatia alone, yet another 330,000
displaced in Kosovo in the wake of U.S.-backed Kosovo Liberation
Army terrorism and NATO aerial attacks. In August 1995, the U.S.
and Germans supported a bloody Croatian military offensive in
the Kraijina region, killing thousands of Serbs and forcing another
200,000 from their homes. Yet when looking at such atrocities,
the moral outrage over "ethnic cleansing" that so consumed
NATO elites as they targeted Serbs suddenly vanishes. The failure
of ICTY to address this terrible anomaly, to investigate and prosecute
war crimes across the board, to pursue all combatants involved
in the civil wars, demonstrates ipso facto its moral and political
... the most egregious crimes of war in the Balkans can be laid
at the doorstep of the U.S./NATO military forces, guilty of carrying
out 79 days of high-tech aerial terrorism with its wanton destruction
of civilian targets and population, including virtually all of
the Serb infrastructure. Belgrade alone suffered upwards of 10,000
casualties, with thousands more scattered throughout the country.
The attacks destroyed power plants, factories, apartment complexes,
bridges, water plants, roads, hospitals, schools, and communications
networks. NATO targets in Yugoslavia were roughly 60 percent civilian,
including 33 hospitals, 344 schools, and 144 industrial plants.
The "humanitarian" air squadrons, relying on the comfort
and safety of technowar, dropped cluster bombs and delivered missiles
tipped with depleted uranium, spewing thousands of tons of toxic
chemicals and radiation into the air, water, and crops that will
surely produce long-term health and ecological disasters. Beneath
the rhetoric of human-rights intervention, a small, poor, weak,
relatively defenseless nation of eleven million people was pulverized
by largest military machine in history. NATO Commander General
Wesley Clark boasted that the aim of the air war was to "demolish,
destroy, devastate degrade, and ultimately eliminate the essential
infrastructure of Yugoslavia." This of course was no "war"
but rather an aerial massacre of defenseless human beings, most
of them civilians. Not only did this assault violate the UN Charter
prohibiting offensive war against a sovereign nation, it willfully
abrogated the whole tradition of Hague and Geneva Protocols declaring
illegal the wanton destruction of civilian populations. Whatever
the crimes of Milosevic, they would pale in comparison with the
U.S./NATO reign of death and destruction in Yugoslavia. NATO leaders
were indeed charged with monstrous war crimes in 1999, in a suit
that named President Clinton, Defense Secretary William Cohen,
Secretary of State Albright, and General Clark along with British
leader Tony Blair. With massive evidence at their disposal, including
calculated policies of mass murder, the plaintiffs took their
case to the Hague Court, hoping for an audience before chief prosecutor
Carla Del Ponte-but the case was summarily thrown out after U.S.
Ieaders protested vehemently. convinced of the mystical (but iron)
principle of American immunity.
Crimes Against Peace
Even setting aside forms of intervention
such as proxy wars, CIA-sponsored covert action, attempts at economic
or political subversion, and blockades, the U.S. record of military
aggression waged against sovereign nations since World War 11
stands alone for its criminality and barbaric outcomes. Immersed
from the outset in a logic of seemingly perpetual warfare, the
American nation-state first achieved imperial status as it expanded
westward and outward, then reached maturity through development
of the permanent war economy during and after World War II. Since
1945, the U.S. has initiated dozens of military attacks on foreign
nations resulting in a gruesome toll: at least eight million deaths,
tens of millions wounded, millions more made homeless, and ecological
devastation impossible to measure. In the post-9/11 milieu, with
the brazen military aggression against Iraq and new U.S. interventions
on the horizon, there is sadly no end in sight to this imperial
onslaught. With just two possible exceptions (the U.N.-backed
Korean venture and recent operations in Afghanistan) these interventions
violated commonly held principles of international law.
At the end of World War II, the Germans
and Japanese were tried for "crimes against peace"-that
is, unprovoked military aggression waged against sovereign nations.
Eventually 15 Germans and 24 Japanese were convicted of such offenses,
with U.S. prosecutors the most adamant in pursuing guilty verdicts.
Nazi elites were prosecuted and convicted of planning and waging
war against Poland, the USSR, Norway, Denmark, Holland, Yugoslavia,
and Greece. The Charter of the International Military Tribunal
at Nuremberg defined illegal warfare as "planning, preparation,
initiation, or waging a war of aggression, or a war in violation
of international treaties, agreements, or assurances, or participation
in a common plan or conspiracy [for war]." Drawing on the
Nuremberg principles, the nascent UN banned the first use of force,
stating that "All members shall refrain in their international
relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial
integrity or political independence of any state." According
to Steven Ratner, "the illegality of aggression is perhaps
the most fundamental norm of modern international law and its
prevention the chief purpose of the United Nations." The
Charter provides a definitive list of acts of military aggression:
invasion, occupation, bombardment, blockade, attack on a nation's
armed forces, using territory for aggression, supporting groups
to carry out aggression. Such prohibitions are contained in many
treaties, convention protocols, and organizational charters drawn
up in the several decades since Nuremberg.
At one time or another, the U.S. has violated
every one of these principles, holding itself (then as now) above
the most hallowed norms of international law.
As William Gibson writes, Vietnam marked the real beginnings of
technowar, involving a strategy explicitly designed to minimize
ground combat and U.S. casualties, though it would not achieve
full expression until Desert Storm in 1991. Aside from nuclear
weaponry itself (actually considered at one point), the U.S. military
employed everything in its arsenal with the aim of bombing a poor,
underdeveloped country into total submission: saturation attacks
with 2000-pound bombs, napalm, white phosphorous, cluster bombs,
chemical defoliants like Agent Orange, sophisticated missiles,
and regular ordnance. Laos and Cambodia also became targets of
much the same strategy, in more concentrated dosages. The war
left some 1 million bomb craters in Vietnam alone. Commenting
on such aerial terrorism, Marilyn Young wrote: "In the South
9000 out of 15,000 hamlets, 25 million acres of farmland and 12
million acres of forest were destroyed and 1.5 million farm animals
had been killed; . . . all six of the industrial cities in the
North were badly damaged, as were the provincial and district
towns and 4000 out of 5,800 agricultural communes. North and South,
the land was cratered and planted with tons of unexploded ordnance."
Honing merciless assaults against civilian
targets, the U.S. manufactured new types of napalm designed to
adhere more closely to the skin, burn more deeply, and cause more
horrific injury. During World War II the U.S. had dropped 14,000
tons of napalm, mainly against the Japanese. During the Korean
War the total was 32,000 tons. But in Vietnam, from 1963 to 1971,
the total was about 373,000 tons of the new, more effective napalm-eleven
times the total used in Korea.
Warfare Against Civilians
Contrary to popular mythology, civilian
populations have always been the main victims of U.S. military
ventures and, more often than not, such victims were clearly intended.
Tariq Ali is not exaggerating when he writes: "The massacre
of civilian populations was always an integral part of U.S. war
strategy." Nor is Edward Herman overstating the case when
he observes that "U.S. military policy has long been based
on strategies and tactics that involve a heavy civilian toll."
This is patently true of aerial warfare, as we have seen, but
the perpetual, bloody onslaught against civilians goes far beyond
this to include ground operations. .
Carnage in Vietnam resulted not only from aerial bombardments
but ground warfare of all types: free-fire zones, search-and-destroy
missions, defoliation, soldiers prepared to kill anything that
moved. More than 10 million persons were displaced while hundreds
of thousands were relocated in "hamlets" that served
as concentration camps. Herbicides destroyed millions of acres
of jungle and crop land. More than 1200 square miles of land was
bulldozed. Towns and villages were bombed, torched, and bulldozed,
their inhabitants slaughtered. An entire society was pulverized
in the name of "pacification" and "nation-building,"
codewords for the most ruthless counterinsurgency program ever
The standard modus operandi in Vietnam
(as in Korea) Was to destroy any impediment to military success
in the field-to "kill 'em all," as the title of a BBC
documentary on U.S. war crimes in Korea conveys. "Search
and destroy" meant attacking not only combatants but civilians,
animals, the whole ecology, as part of effective counterinsurgency
operations. When troops came upon any village, they usually came
in opening fire, often with support of helicopter gunships. U.S.
troops were rewarded according to the well-known "body count,"
never limited simply to identifiable combatants. As one GI put
it: "We're here to kill gooks, period." A common GI
refrain in Vietnam went: "Bomb the schools and churches.
Bomb the rice fields too. Show the children in the courtyards
what napalm can do." Still another refrain: "Kill one,
they call you a murderer. Kill thousands, and they call you a
conqueror. Kill them all, and they won't call you anything."
Units that routinely engaged in murder, rape, and mutilation made
sure that no soldier would press charges, and few did. Under these
conditions prisoners were rarely taken; if so, they were tortured
and then executed. At the Dellums Committee hearings in April
1971, several veterans testified as to how military training prepared
them for savage, unrestrained killing in the field: above all
it was crucial to dehumanize the enemy so that it would be possible
to "kill without mercy."
As in Korea, the U.S. military pursued
a relentless war of attrition in Vietnam, as well as in Laos and
Cambodia. The use of American firepower was nothing short of hysterical,
resulting in the loss of three million lives (mostly civilians)
across Indochina. The crimes were unspeakable and endless, carried
out with a fierce chauvinistic animus, but no political officials
or military personnel were ever charged-with the famous exception
of Lieutenant William Calley for his role in the My Lai massacres
of March 1968, when more than 200 innocent civilians were shot
to death. Calley was court-martialed and given a light sentence,
serving less than three years for crimes that deserved much harsher
punishment. The problem was that My Lai was hardly an aberration;
massacres of this sort were common, but never reported or, if
reported, covered up by military personnel. As the Bertrand Russell
Tribunal made clear at the time, U.S. war crimes were of such
a magnitude and implicated so many high-level political and military
officials that only a Nuremberg-style international tribunal could
have brought justice. Since the perpetrators of mass murder and
other crimes of war were able to hide under the cloak of a superpower
I there was no Nuremberg and no justice. Indeed one of the leading
criminals of the period, President Richard Nixon, would have the
last word: "When the President does it, that means it is
not illegal"-a maxim that, sadly for Nixon - pertained only
to foreign affairs.
It was during Desert Storm that the U.S. military was first able
to unveil technowar in its full glory: Iraq became a "free-fire"
zone over which 110,000 sorties were flown, dropping some 88,000
tons of bombs on a country with minimal air defenses. As we have
seen, the USAF was able to pulverize the Iraqi infrastructure
while suffering few casualties of its own (until later, when the
terrible health effects of DU and other toxic agents became visible).
At the very end of combat with nothing left in doubt, U.S. planes
bombed and strafed retreating Iraqi troops, killing at least 30,000-clearly
a violation of the Hague and Geneva Protocols. The bombings continued
regularly after the main warfare concluded. The U.S. employed
thousands of weapons tipped with DU, ensuring that radioactive
substances would be left in the water, soil, and food chain for
The harshly punitive and inhuman policy
of economic sanctions, enforced mainly by the U.S. and Britain
under UN cover, cost at least 500,000 civilian p lives after 1991-maintained
on the hypocritical insistence that Iraq dispose of its "weapons
of mass destruction." The embargo cruelly blocked vital ports
such as medical supplies, water-treatment technology, even certain
foodstuffs that, under the excessively broad definition of "dual
use," might be considered useful to the military. Sanctions
policies of this sort have been employed regularly by the U.S.,
using its economic clout, as a foreign policy tool since the 1950s.
The main victims have been civilians, mostly children. The 1977
Additional Protocols to the Geneva Conventions prohibit measures
that deprive the civilian population of goods indispensable to
survival, with Article 18 mandating relief operations to aid civilians
suffering "undue hardshlps owing to lack of supplies essential
for its survival, such as foodstuffs and medical supplies."
In fact the U.S. alone had obstructed every humanitarian effort,
mounted by NGOs as well as members of the UN Security Council,
to lift the sanctions. Writing in Harper's, Joy Gordon characterized
the sanctions as a "legitimized act of mass slaughter."
She added: ". . . epidemic suffering is needlessly visited
on Iraqis via U.S. fiat inside the UN Security Council. Within
that body, the U.S. has consistently thwarted Iraq from satisfying
its most basic humanitarian needs, using sanctions as nothing
less than a deadly weapon."
In the realm of chemical weapons, the U.S. has been the world
leader by far in the production, dissemination, and military use
of highly toxic liquids, sprays, incendiary devices, powders,
and explosives. The American military first experimented with
napalm in World War II, refined its usage in Korea, employed it
on a massive scale in Vietnam, and has kept it as part of its
arsenal ever since; incendiary bombs follow a similar pattern.
It is well known that the U.S. sprayed tens of thousands of tons
of herbicides over three million acres in Vietnam from 1965 to
1971, intended to wipe out jungle foliage and crops. The use of
Agent Orange polluted Vietnam with 500 pounds of the deadly chemical
dioxin, impacting several million Vietnamese along with tens of
thousands of American troops. There have been many reports of
high levels of cancer and birth defects in regions saturated with
Agent Orange. The U.S. Army also employed such toxic chemicals
as CS, DM, and CN gasses, designated by the Pentagon as "riot
control" agents. According to the Hatfield Report, the legacy
of chemical warfare left behind by the U.S. in Indochina would
have health and ecological consequences for many decades. For
all this the U.S. never offered any apologies, any reparations,
anything for cleanup. The U.S. has not shrunk from later use of
chemical warfare, including its widespread adoption in Plan Colombia
to defoliate coca plantations- nor has it been reluctant to share
its scientific knowledge and resources with other nations. In
Colombia the U.S. has begun spraying a new Monsanto produced fungus,
glyphosate, an herbicide that causes lethal infections in humans.
In January 1998, President Clinton emphasized that the world must
"confront the new hazards of chemical and biological weapons,
and the outlaw states, terrorists, and organized criminals seeking
to acquire them." Anticipating Bush's later rhetoric, he
particularly castigated Iraq for acquiring "weapons of mass
destruction." Yet it was the U.S. government that initially
furnished the Iraqis with a wide variety of chemical and biological
agents, exported to Iraq by private American companies licensed
by the Department of Commerce, an arrangement going back to at
least 1985. Shipments included materials related to anthrax and
botulinum toxin, vital to development of whatever program Iraq
might still have.
For several decades the U.S. war machine, swollen through expanded
national quest for imperial domination, has built its strategic
capability around weapons of mass destruction-nuclear, conventional,
and economic (sanctions) above all Chemical weapons have been
used widely in counterinsurgency while biological weapons, ostensibly
retired from the arsenal, have not been the desired option in
the wake of the Korean fiasco. In 1972 the U.S., along with 140
other nations signed the Biological Weapons Convention treaty
prohibiting the production, development, and use of germ warfare
agents. There were still, however, provisions needed for compliance
and verification. Discussions aimed at strengthening the treaty
continued throughout the 1990s, with the U.S. dead set against
inspections that would be considered an infringement on the commercial
rights of American chemical and pharmaceutical labs. Finally,
even the watered down draft favored by the U.S. was rejected by
the Bush administration in July 2002, leaving the world without
viable biological weapons prohibitions. Here too the U.S. insisted
upon concessions from all other parties but refused any for itself
Given their strategic centrality to the
logic of empire-their very threat constitutes a fearsome military
force-WMD today represent a nonnegotiable part of the U.S. arsenal.
This helps explain why American leaders (Democrats and Republicans
alike) have strongly opposed virtually all efforts by nations
of the world to establish treaties and conventions limiting production
and deployment of WMD. Because of its overwhelming superiority
in this area, moreover, the U.S. possesses greater flexibility
than ever to pursue aggressive militarism worldwide, which only
further reinforces a Hobbesian global anarchy where brute military
and economic power obliterates any prospect for binding laws,
treaties, ethics, and rules of engagement.
War Crimes by Proxy
In especially shameful U.S. violation
of international law and human rights principles has been its
support of terrorist regimes and paramilitary groups around the
world since the late 1940s, often with the aim of setting up proxy
wars, insurgencies, and other forms of mayhem to advance imperial
designs. Brutal governments have been aided in Israel, Colombia,
Turkey, Chile and Indonesia, rebellions have been financed in
Nicaragua, Yugoslavia, and Afghanistan, and death squads have
been created in El Salvador and Guatemala. Governments have been
overthrown through covert and/or direct intervention, as in Chile
and, earlier, in Iran and Guatemala. Proxy activities where U.S.
military forces remain in the background while atrocities are
carried out mainly by local groups are often the preferred method.
Support has taken many forms: direct material assistance, military
equipment and weaponry, training and recruitment, intelligence,
and political supports within international bodies like the UN.
For many decades the U.S. has trained thousands of operatives
within the country who would later become members of governments,
militias, and death squads complicit in horrendous war crimes.
Such crimes by proxy, where perpetrators are knowingly and deliberately
provided the resources to carry out their barbaric deeds, make
the U.S. just as guilty as the providers and ought to be held
just as accountable. Within international law this is known as
"aiding and abetting war crimes." Indeed this is one
of the major charges against Milosevic at the Hague, where he
is accused of helping paramilitary groups in the Balkans (Arkan's
Tigers, for example) by means of financial aid, training, weapons
shipments, and logistical support. Prosecutors argue that Milosevic
is just as culpable of war crimes as if he had taken over formal
leadership of the groups involved. Such a proxy relationship to
regimes and organizations has been a stock in trade of U.S. foreign
and military policy since World War II-yet no U.S. Ieader has
ever been held accountable.
From 1980 to the mid-1980s the Central
Intelligence Agency recruited, trained, and supported a well-armed
Contra network, a made-in-America insurgency set up to overthrow
the reformist Sandinista government in Nicaragua. Based in Honduras,
the Contras did everything possible to destabilize the system:
economic sabotage, mining of harbors, assassination of political
officials, and above all the large-scale massacre of civilians
as part of subverting public morale. The death toll will never
be known, but probably ran well into the thousands. Later, during
the 1990s, the U.S. helped recruit, train, and equip local rebellions
in Yugoslavia-most notably the right-wing Kosovo Liberation Army
(KLA)-operating alongside fascistic governing forces in Croatia
and Bosnia, all intended to destabilize the elected rulers of
Serbia. During 1995-98 the KLA moved freely throughout Kosovo,
killing hundreds of local Serb officials with the goal of liberating
the province from Serb control. (The Serb military response to
KLA actions was defined as "ethnic cleansing," but the
KLA was naturally exempted from such labels in the U.S.) In early
August 1995, Croatian military forces, armed by the U.S., Iaunched
what turned out to be the most brutal offensive of the Balkan
civil wars, destroying huge Serb regions in the province of Krajina,
killing several thousand civilians and forcing more than 200,000
from their homes. Trapped Serbians pouring into Bosnia were massacred
in large numbers by Croatian and Bosnian military forces, supported
by Germany and the U.S. It was a bloody offensive that Clinton's
Secretary of State, Warren Christopher, had openly endorsed. While
the Hague Tribunal has been quick to charge Milosevic and other
Serbs with "ethnic cleansing" and war crimes, nothing
has been said about this criminal military aggression directed
against civilians nor about U.S. involvement in the very type
of proxy war crimes laid at the doorstep of Milosevic.
The U.S. has supported, indeed created,
dozens of paramilitary terrorist groups in Latin America alone
since the early 1980s. At the School of the Americas, renamed
Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation located
in Fort Benning, Georgia, the U.S. military has trained thousands
of terrorists in the methods of bloody guerrilla warfare directed
at legitimate nation-states or local civilian organizations-methods
including assassination torture, murder, and death-squad intimidation
of specific targets. Graduates of SOA include Roberto d'Aubuisson,
who organized a death-squad network in El Salvador during the
1980s, reportedly killing upwards of 10,000 people as part of
U.S. and Salvadoran elite campaigns to destroy leftist opposition.
Massacres were common, with scores of villages burned to the ground.
Death squads were comprised of both civilians and members of the
armed forces trained and supported by the U.S. According to the
UN Truth Commission on Salvadoran Death Squads, former Major d'Aubuisson
helped organize and maintain the paramilitary groups, bringing
together American interests, Miami-based exiles, and right-wing
Salvadoran forces
In Guatemala, the CIA and Pentagon have
supported death-squad activity and governmental repression since
the U.S. engineered the overthrow of Jacobo Arbenz in 1954. The
killings, presided over by a series of brutal U.S.-backed dictators,
have been estimated at over 200,000-made possible by American
weapons, equipment, training, money, and logistical aid. Throughout
the 1980s and 1990s the Guatemalan death squads were organized
primarily by two organizations, the G2 and Archivo, both funded
by the CIA and run by CIA-paid Guatemalan military and police
officers trained at the SOA and elsewhere. According to witnesses,
the G2 has maintained a web of torture centers, secret body dumps,
and crematoria. This is nothing less than an ongoing, brutal,
criminal U.S. military action by proxy.
U.S. assistance to governing regimes guilty
of long-term war crimes against targeted civilian populations
struggling for independence and/or human rights has been one of
the darkest features of American foreign policy. The Guatemalan
repression and murder of tens of thousands of indigenous peoples
is just one case in point. The arming and financing of the Iraqi
military throughout the 1980s during its brutal war with Iran,
including the use of chemical weapons, provides another example.
Between 1965 and 1969, the Indonesian
military regime massacred some 500,000 people, virtually anyone
linked to the left opposition, with full U.S diplomatic and military
support-surely one of the great atrocities of the postwar years,
but one that was met with silence in the Western media. A decade
later Indonesia invaded East Timor, killing perhaps another 100,000
people for the sin of wanting national self-determination, all
while the U.S. continued to arm the regime and block UN measures
to halt the carnage. The Suharto regime was one of the favorites
of the CIA and the Pentagon owing to its ruthless efficiency.
After the 1975 invasion of East Timor, U.S. weapons sales to Jakarta
exceeded one billion dollars.
In the case of Turkey, its repression
of the huge Kurdish population has continued for decades while
the nation remains a close U.S. ally and a major recipient of
its financial and military aid. Repression worsened throughout
the 1990s as the Turkish Army devastated Kurdish regions, sending
hundreds of thousands of poor civilians into flight. Perhaps two
million were left homeless while death squads murdered thousands
more. Napalm was used on villages, dropped by U.S.-made planes.
At this point Turkey had become the single largest importer of
U.S. military goods, including F-16 fighter-bombers, M-60 tanks,
Cobra gunships, and Blackhawk helicopters in large numbers, all
used against the mostly defenseless Kurds.
The Israeli occupation of Palestine with
its ruthless political and military actions over many decades
is perhaps the most egregious case of U.S. war crimes by proxy.
In many respects the state of Israel has been an American outpost
in the Middle East, replete with every conceivable form of financial,
political, diplomatic, and military backing; it is a relationship
sui generis. With the fourth largest army in the world. Israeli
militarism has ensured perpetuation of a harsh apartheid system
marked by ongoing violations of international law: forced settlement
of the land, illegal arrests, torture, relocation of civilian
populations, massacres, harsh curfews, assault on cultural institutions,
the wanton bulldozing of homes and property, depriving people
of basic services. All of this constitutes a blatant violation
of the Fourth Geneva Convention along with the UN Charter, but
efforts to hold the Israelis accountable have been blocked by
the U.S., which helps guarantee the occupation of Gaza and the
West Bank through its repeated vetoes of UN resolutions. Furthermore,
there are 5.5 million Palestinian refugees housed in 59 camps,
denied the right to return to their homes in contravention of
UN Resolution 194 and international law. The issue of war crimes
here cannot be addressed in the U.S. since, as Edward Said notes,
"the systematic continuity of Israel's 52-year-old oppression
and maltreatment of the Palestinians is virtually unmentionable,
a narrative that has no permission to appear." It is the
"last taboo." From 1949 to 2000, the U.S. gave more
than $90 billion in foreign aid and other grants to
Israel, including $5.5 billion in 1997
alone. There were 18 arms sales to Israel in the year 2000. Thanks
to American largesse, the Israelis have the largest fleet of F-16s
outside the U.S., an integral part of their vast war machine.
The regime of Ariel Sharon is fully backed by the U.S., although
Sharon was responsible for horrific attacks against Palestinians,
including the 1982 invasion of Lebanon and the massacre of several
thousand unarmed civilians in the refugee camps of Sabra and Shatila
in September 1982.
The very charges leveled against Milosevic
at the Hague-the aiding and abetting of war crimes-could be brought
against the U.S. hundreds of times over as it uses its preponderant
economic, political, and military power to ' wage deadly proxy
wars around the globe.
The experience of two disastrous World
Wars gave rise to an unprecedented global commitment to international
law that would presumably curtail the worst features of human
warfare, reflected in the Nuremberg and Tokyo Tribunals, the UN
Charter, the Geneva Protocols, and more recently the International
Criminal Court set up in Rome. Ideally all states and political
actors would have strict obligations to follow moral and legal
principles, including definite rules of engagement in warfare.
The UN Charter, above all, clearly prohibits military force as
an instrument of statecraft except in clear-cut examples of self-defense.
Of course the very notion of such a paradigmatic shift in relations
among nations always depended upon the emergence of an international
community of interests. Despite references here and there to a
growing "culture of human rights," however, this pacifistic
dream has turned into a Hobbesian nightmare as imperial aggression
and armed violence have come to dominate the global scene. In
such a milieu, moral and legal criteria, following the "realist"
outlook championed by Western powers, have seemingly vanished
from the political landscape
There can be no universally valid tenets
and practices of international law so long as the U.S. carries
out its relentless pursuit of global domination in support of
its economic and geopolitical interests. The expansion of U.S.
militarism, now reaching every corner of the globe as well as
space, is incompatible with a regimen of international law and
human rights-as is the neoliberal corporate order that militarism
sustains. We are at the point where U.S global hegemony supersedes
all hope for shared norms, laws, customs, and treaties.
For the American public ... warfare visited upon other countries
has become an entertaining spectacle ...
The Nuremberg principles, adopted by the UN in 1950, state that
any person committing an act that constitutes a war crime under
international law is legally accountable and subject to punishment,
as was the case with German and Japanese defendants. Such principles
were regarded as universal, transcending national laws, traditions,
and ideologies, binding for all persons whatever their place in
the chain of command. No heads of state, no political or military
officials, were seen as immune to criminal prosecution. Throughout
the postwar years, unfortunately, the U.S. has done everything
possible to subvert the Nuremberg principles, which makes its
ringing endorsement of human rights and rule of law abstract,
hypocritical, meaningless. Indeed the horrific legacy of war crimes
and human rights abuses stemming from unfettered U.S. global power
has its roots in historical continuity, the result of a deliberate,
planned, and systematic pattern of imperial aggrandizement. From
this standpoint, war crimes have been a predictable outcome of
U.S. relations with other nations and the world, virtually a matter
of institutional necessity-easy to get away with, moreover, in
the absence of media, political, or intellectual scrutiny. Hiding
behind the veneer of "democracy" and "human progress,"
ruling elites have never come to grips with this criminal history:
no apologies, no self-reflection, no reparations, no sense of
accountability. The superpower accepts no moral or legal restraints
on its ambitions. It would be foolhardy to expect otherwise so
long as the U.S. imperial behemoth, championing doctrines of "humanitarian
intervention" and "preemptive strike," continues
to seek world domination.
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