Empire and Globalization
- Carl Boggs
The Logic of U.S. Intervention - Michael Parenti
excerpted from the book
Masters of War
Militarism and Blowback in
the Era of American Empire
edited by Carl Boggs
Routledge, 2003, paper

Introduction: Empire and Globalization
by Carl Boggs
Few Americans today would entertain the notion of a U.S. Empire
or the idea that their nation stands for anything but peaceful,
democratic, humanitarian ends.
... [US] history is one of conquest and dominion, of territorial
aggrandizement and imposition of social order through outright
coercion-genocidal war against Indian tribes, theft of land from
Mexico and Spain, invasion of Russia after World War I, followed
by a succession of military interventions in Korea, Indochina,
Central America, Iraq, and more recently the Balkans. Today the
ethos of militarism-of conquest, domination, violence, and Empire-permeates
the American economy, political institutions, and culture. It
could hardly be otherwise given the country's position as sole
remaining superpower, as unchallenged world hegemon. At the moment
the U.S. has unparalleled military domination over the world's
land masses, sea lanes, and air spaces, with great aspirations
toward colonization of outer space, revealing (in Chalmers Johnson's
words) "an imperial project that the Cold War obscured."
Consuming nearly 350 billion dollars annually (as of 2002), or
roughly 22 times the combined total of the seven most purportedly
menacing states, the sprawling Pentagon imperium deploys more
than 350 major bases around the world, crucial to monitoring and
protecting the New World Order. As in the past, American global
power today requires ongoing military research and development,
preparedness, and intervention, suggesting that it was Theodore
Roosevelt and not Woodrow Wilson who may have best capsulized
the thrust of U.S. foreign policy. Speaking in 1897, just seven
years after the Wounded Knee massacre of Sioux men, women, and
children and only a year before the U.S. would go to war with
Spain as the first step toward Empire, TR commented: "In
strict confidence . . . I should welcome almost any war, for I
think this country needs one." For Roosevelt, as for most
subsequent American leaders, war never amounted to the opposite
of peace but was rather viewed as a redemptive, purifying, ennobling
form of human activity, just another extension of modernity and
As the U.S. continues to celebrate the
virtues of international order, human rights, and democracy -
never missing an opportunity to lecture nations like China for
their human rights abuses - its ruling elites have become increasingly
reckless and violent, brazenly violating every global norm they
pretend to uphold. Internationally, the U.S. has become an outlaw
country, the Rogue State of all rogue states intent on transforming
the supposedly abstract process of globalization into the building
blocks of Empire and military domination-so far with considerable
success. In spring 1999, the U.S., working beneath the umbrella
of NATO, bombed Yugoslavia for 79 consecutive days, destroying
factories, apartment buildings, schools, hospitals, water-treatment
plants, electrical and communications systems, and transportation
networks, largely wiping out the Serb civilian infrastructure-a
clear act of military aggression violating every canon of international
law, the United Nations Charter, even the NATO Charter itself.
Bombs were dropped on densely populated urban areas. Anti-personnel
bombs were used on civilian targets, along with radium-tipped
missiles. NATO Commander General Wesley Clark boasted that the
aim of the air war was to "demolish, destroy, devastate,
degrade, and ultimately eliminate the essential infrastructure
of Yugoslavia. As Takis Fotopoulos has persuasively argued, the
NATO destruction of Serbia can best be understood as the first
war systematically waged in defense of the global market system,
a "war" involving few if any casualties for the perpetrators.
Along much the same lines, Michael Parenti writes: "The motive
behind the intervention was not NATO s newfound humanitarianism
but a desire to put Yugoslavia-along with every other country-under
the suzerainty of free market globalization."
The Gulf War [1991] represented more than anything a celebration
of pure militaristic ideology along with the worship of high-tech
weaponry shown on CNN and other TV outlets, the representation
of a "perfect war."
When it comes to weapons of mass destruction, the U.S. can readily
lay claim to the status of world champion.
... there is no public reflection today upon the horrific criminal
venture that was the Indochina war ...
The U.S. generally behaved without moral restraint in Vietnam,
dumping seven million tons of bombs on the country, destroying
rural and urban regions with equal abandon, leaving an unparalleled
legacy of death and destruction in an impoverished Third World
... economic globalization [is a] process driven by corporate
domination with its headquarters in the powerful host nations
of North America, Europe, and Japan along with the international
agencies they control. Today the concentration of economic and
political power in the hands of a few elites is unprecedented,
as are its terrible consequences.
... the U.S. presides over a reconstituted Empire, made possible
by its controlling presence in world production and finance, its
vast military power, its leading role in the spread of information
technology, and its capacity to disseminate the neoliberal "American
model" with its emphasis on privatization, deregulation,
technology, and consumerism. Using that awesome leverage, the
U.S. reasserts its dominion over weaker (i.e., virtually all)
nations, over international structures, and of course over nature
as it pursues its mania for growth and profits.
The familiar enemies of the past (fascists, Communists) have been
replaced by a new set of demons: rogue states like Libya, Iraq,
and North Korea, terrorists, local tyrants, drug traffickers,
and the like. Imperial stratagems within the New World Order take
many forms, including control over international bodies (United
Nations, World Bank, International Monetary Fund, World Trade
Organization), covert actions, global surveillance methods, direct
military intervention, political machinations, and deadly economic
sanctions of the sort used against Iraq.
... American policymakers, setting themselves up as guardians
of the world system, are more inclined than ever to simply disregard
international laws and conventions if they get in the way of unrivaled
military supremacy. Every instance of U.S. armed intervention
during the 1980s and 1990s represents a flagrant violation of
regional treaties and laws, not to mention the UN Charter itself,
which explicitly prohibits military attacks against sovereign
nations (for example, Grenada, Nicaragua, Haiti, Panama, Serbia,
and even Iraq after it signaled its strong preference for a negotiated
settlement of the Kuwaiti crisis). In any event, the U.S. has
consistently shown its contempt for international bodies, agreements,
and procedures that might conflict with its hegemonic aspirations.
As the first president of the new global era, Clinton visited
more than 70 countries, set up the WTO, boosted the international
budget, maintained high levels of Pentagon spending, militarized
the drug wars in South America, continued the military and economic
assault on Iraq, laid the groundwork for "humanitarian"
interventions, bombed the Sudan and Afghanistan, and carried out
protracted aerial raids on Serbia.
During the Clinton years, moreover, the U.S. balked at paying
its UN dues, rejected a ban on land mines, dragged its feet on
nuclear reductions, and kept alive the Reagan-Bush Star Wars fantasy.
Enthused by prospects for total surveillance of the world, Clinton
raised intelligence spending levels to more than 30 billion dollars,
with increasing emphasis on the supersecret National Security
Agency. The planned, systematic, and brutal destruction of the
Serb infrastructure must be considered one of the great war crimes
of the postwar years.
Secretary of State Colin Powell
"The U.S. has a special role in the
world and should not adhere to every international agreement and
convention that someone thinks to propose."
Already during the second Bush's brief tenure in office, the U.S.
has turned its back on the crucial Kyoto accords on global warming,
endorsed Clinton's rejection of the land mine treaty, refused
to go along with the universal ban on chemical and biological
weapons (under pressure from the big chemical firms), and, most
fearsome, has abrogated the 1972 ABM arms control agreements in
order to resume nuclear testing. Equally menacing is the U.S.
threat to overthrow the landmark 1967 Outer Space Treaty prohibiting
the militarization of space. There are proposals afoot to terminate
environmental restrictions on military operations within the country.
Bush's doctrine of "preemptive warfare," allowing the
U.S. to attack any country, any time it desires, is a flagrant
violation of the UN Charter. Under guise of the war on terrorism
the U.S. has empowered itself to drop bombs or send missiles against
any target its surveillance manages to identify for destruction.
This strident, reckless, lawless unilateralism is designed precisely
to give the U.S. military a | freer hand in policing the world.
Michael Klare
... whereas international conflict was
until recently governed by political and ideological considerations,
the wars of the future will largely be fought over the possession
and control of vital economic goods-especially resources needed
for the functioning of modern industrial societies.
The struggle to achieve and maintain global domination is destined
to bring, in response, a perpetual spiral of authoritarianism,
decay, violence, insurgency-and indeed terrorism.
Since the late 1940s the Pentagon has consumed a staggering twelve
trillion dollars in resources-without doubt mostly wasteful or
destructive consumption-and continues to spend roughly $300 billion
yearly (a figure that will reach more than $500 billion within
the next several years) to maintain empire. Nuclear weapons have
consumed at least one trillion dollars of that total. Government
officials and politicians like to speak of military reductions
and troop demobilizations but these are simply code words for
strategic "modernization": fewer bases, armed personnel,
and weapons deployed but much greater reliance on high-tech weaponry
(sophisticated planes, ships, bombs, missiles, communications
networks, etc.), minimizing the need for large standing armies
and navies. The new arms systems have far greater efficiency and
firepower. In reality it is the Pentagon itself, often over strenuous
objections from Congress, that generally begs to shut down obsolete
facilities. Meanwhile, the American social infrastructure deteriorates
as the Pentagon's sphere of control widens. Today we find an inverse
relationship between growth of the U.S. empire and various measures
of domestic well-being. What Petras and Morley wrote several years
ago remains even more valid today: "The growth of international
financial networks and the resurgence of U.S. global, political,
and military power has been accompanied by rising economic and
personal insecurity for the vast majority of America's urban dwellers:
more real estate speculation, drug money laundering, deindustrialization,
crime, prison spending, less social services, housing, well-paid
manufacturing jobs. The ideology of 'national security' used to
justify global empire is one side of the coin; deteriorating cities
and worsening life circumstances inside the empire is the other."
While the permanent war economy reproduces
material decay, inequality, and disruption within home boundaries
of the superpower, an expanded national-security state (expanded
in the aftermath of the terrorist attacks) lends yet another definition
to blowback: a drastic narrowing of the public sphere that has
distorted the very meaning of citizen participation and democratic
decision making. The steady decline of American politics over
the past few decades (lower voter turnout, weakening sense of
efficacy, less civic involvement, meaninglessness of electoral
campaigns, spread of anti-political attitudes) can be attributed
to the impact of corporate colonization throughout public life,
but the growing influence of military power as well as intelligence
and law-enforcement resources domestically enters into this matrix.'
In the U.S., as elsewhere, the security state thrives on secrecy,
a huge intelligence network, techniques of surveillance and control,
and centralized bureaucratic power that overrides popular inputs,
especially in the realm of foreign and military policy. With vast
resources committed to Empire and warmaking, elites naturally
want to sidestep open debates that might undermine national "unity"
and "security." Thus decisions to intervene militarily
are rarely preceded or accompanied by genuine political discussion
of the complex questions involved. The Gulf War, for example,
was made popular by an immense propaganda barrage unleashed by
the Pentagon, the media, and government, creating an ideological
milieu in which 45 percent of the population said it would be
prepared to use nuclear weapons against Iraq. Military actions
were, transformed into a grotesque national spectacle, a great
celebration of war-making ...
Blowback also finds its way into the growing culture of militarism
that seems to have established deep roots in the national psyche,
nourishing a certain sacralization of violence, guns, and war.
It is hardly coincidental that the U.S. ranks as the most violent
of all industrialized countries, averaging 22,000 murders yearly,
with gang warfare in major cities, paramilitary militias enlisting
hundreds of thousands of citizens, terrorist bombings on a regular
basis, serial killings that have few parallels in other societies,
and a burgeoning prison population now well past two million.
The connections involving Empire, militarism, media culture, and
civic violence (including regular glorification of that violence)
have become more visible over time. As Richard Rhodes argues,
militarism inevitably transforms the personalities of those who
experience it: in making people into killers-and in sacralizing
killing-the military generates callousness toward violence, traversing
ethical restraints that otherwise might discourage people from
violent aggression. In fact the U.S. military itself regularly
violates moral standards as part of its international conduct,
to the extent that atrocities nowadays draw little interest from
the media or political establishment. Such violations are made
easier by the advent of high-tech warfare that depersonalizes
aggressive attacks and shields perpetrators from their gruesome
consequences. The popular media is saturated with images of violence,
many of them grotesque and pointless, many of them linked to fetishism
of the military.
The role of the mass media in reproducing a culture of militarism
cannot be stressed too much. We have seen how U.S. interventions
in the Persian Gulf and the Balkans were presented to the American
public as TV spectacles glorifying the achievements of high-tech
weaponry and communications-spectacles crucial to mobilizing popular
support behind military action and, by extension, the defense
of empire (though this word is studiously avoided). The Hollywood
war machine has been preoccupied with making films that depict
something akin to a "good war," furnishing positive
images of (U.S.) military operations that, not surprisingly, draw
largely on the World War II experience where the supposedly unmediated
struggle between good and evil can be mined for patriotic inspiration
... the Bush elites appear more openly and arrogantly dedicated
to the aims of U.S. economic, political, and military domination
of the world than any previous U.S. administration. A blueprint
for renewed Pax Americana was outlined by such Bush acolytes as
Rumsfeld, Cheney, Richard Perle, and Paul Wolfowitz already in
September 2000, under the heading "American Grand Strategy,"
for the right-wing think-tank New American Century. The plan involves
a "core mission" to fight and win multiple wars around
the world, through augmented Pentagon spending and modernization
along with militarization of space. Describing U.S. military forces
as "the cavalry on the new American frontier," the blueprint
calls for the invasion of Iraq as one step toward securing full
control over Middle East oil reserves.
... a cornerstone of U.S. military policy has been and continues
to be nuclear weaponry. It is this most horrifying technology
of mass annihilation that the U.S. has used in the past and has
considered unleashing on numerous other occasions. The U.S. is
still opposed to the abolition of nuclear weaponry, refining and
"modernizing" its huge arsenal even while it pretends
to oppose "proliferation." Rather than rejecting nuclear
weapons as totally barbaric and unthinkable, the Bush administration
has fully dismissed antiballistic missile and other arms control
treaties so that it can develop even more lethal nukes. The U.S.
emphasis on Star Wars reflects yet another tendency in the direction
of nuclear strategy. In 2001 the Pentagon authored a Nuclear Posture
Review document calling for a more flexible, space-based approach
to nuclear warfare, stressing the importance of renewed weapons
testing and outlining "contingencies" that might require
nuclear attacks on such countries as Russia, China, North Korea,
Libya, Syria, Iraq, and Iran. Given this barbaric imperial posture
on the part of American elites-not to mention the new global milieu
produced by 9/11 and the war on terrorism-it is easy to understand
how the sole superpower has emerged as an out-of-control Empire.
U.S. imperial domination is to be unfettered by any international
treaties, laws, or conventions, uncompromised by messy UN deliberations
or provisions. Of course this is a recipe for the most systemic,
overt, reckless global domination by any nation in history.
The Logic of U.S. Intervention
by Michael Parenti
The United States presides over an armed planetary force of a
magnitude never before seen in human history. It includes about
a half-million troops stationed at over 395 major bases and hundreds
of minor installations in thirty-five foreign countries; more
than 8,000 strategic nuclear weapons and 22,000 tactical ones;
a naval strike force greater in total tonnage and firepower than
all the other navies of the world combined, consisting of missile
cruisers, nuclear submarines, nuclear aircraft carriers, and destroyers
that sail every ocean and make port at every continent. With only
five percent of the earth's population, the United States expends
more military funds than all the other major powers combined.
U.S. bomber squadrons and long-range missiles
can reach any target, delivering enough explosive force to destroy
the infrastructures of entire countries-as demonstrated against
Iraq in 1990-91 and Yugoslavia in 1999. U.S. rapid deployment
forces have a firepower in conventional weaponry vastly superior
to that of any other nation. U.S. satellites and spy planes conduct
surveillance over the entire planet. And today the United States
is developing a capacity to conduct war from outer space.
Worldwide U.S. arms sales to cooperative
capitalist nations rose to $36.9 billion in 2000, up from $34
billion in 1999. In addition to sales, since World War II, the
U.S. government has given some $240 billion in military aid to
train, equip, and subsidize some 2.3 million troops and internal
security forces in more than eighty countries, the purpose being
not to defend these nations from outside invasion but to protect
ruling oligarchs and multinational corporate investors from the
dangers of domestic anti-capitalist insurgency.
How can we determine that? By observing
that (a) with few exceptions there is no evidence suggesting that
these various regimes have ever been threatened by attack from
neighboring countries; (b) just about all these "friendly"
regimes have supported economic systems that are subserviently
integrated into a global system of transnational corporate domination,
open to foreign penetration on terms that are singularly favorable
to transnational investors; (c) there is a great deal of evidence
showing that U.S.-supported military and security forces and death
squads in these various countries have been repeatedly used to
destroy popular reformist movements and insurgencies that advocate
some kind of egalitarian redistributive politics within their
own countries.
The "Left," as I would define it, encompasses those
individuals, organizations, and governments that advocate egalitarian
redistributive policies benefiting the common people and infringing
upon the privileged interests of the wealthy propertied classes.
Rightist governments and groups including fascist ones, are dedicated
to using the land, labor, markets, and natural resources of countries
as so much fodder for the enrichment of the owning and investing
classes. In almost every country, including the U.S., rightist
groups, parties, or governments pursue tax and spending programs,
wage and investment practices, methods of police and military
control, and deregulation and privatization policies that primarily
benefit those who receive the bulk of their income from investments
and property, at the expense of those who live off wages, salaries,
fees, and pensions. That is what defines and distinguishes the
Right from the Left.
While claiming to be motivated by a dedication to human rights
and democracy, U.S. Ieaders have supported some of the most notorious
right-wing autocracies in history, governments that have tortured,
killed, or otherwise maltreated large numbers of their citizens
because of their dissenting political views, as in Turkey, Zaire,
Chad, Pakistan, Morocco, Indonesia, Honduras, Peru, Colombia,
Argentina, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, the Philippines, Cuba
(under Batista), Nicaragua (under Somoza), Iran (under the Shah),
and Portugal (under Salazar). Assistance is also given to counterrevolutionary
groups in leftist revolutionary countries. These groups have perpetrated
some of the most brutal bloodletting against civilian populations,
as have Unita in Angola, Renamo in Mozambique, the Contras in
Nicaragua, the Khmer Rouge (during the 1980s) in Cambodia, the
counterinsurgency ethnic slaughter in Rwanda, the mujahideen and
then the Taliban in Afghanistan, and the right-wing Albanian separatist
KLA in Kosovo.
U.S. support of right-wing conservatism
has extended to the furthest reaches of the political spectrum.
After World War II, U.S. Ieaders and their Western capitalist
allies did little to eradicate fascism from Europe, except for
putting some of the top Nazi leaders on trial at Nuremberg. In
a short time, former Nazis and their collaborators were back in
the saddle in Germany. Hundreds of Nazi war criminals found a
haven in the United States, either living in comfortable anonymity
or employed by U.S. intelligence agencies during the Cold War.
In France, too, very few Vichy collaborators
were purged. As Herbert Lottman writes, "No one of any rank
was seriously punished for his or her role in the roundup and
deportation of Jews to Nazi camps." U.S. military authorities
also restored fascist collaborators to power in various Far East
nations. In South Korea, for instance, police trained by the fascist
Japanese occupation forces were used immediately after the war
to suppress left democratic forces. The South Korean Army was
commanded by officers who had served in the Imperial Japanese
Army, some of whom had been guilty of horrid war crimes in the
Philippines and China.
In Italy, within a year after the war,
almost all Italian fascists were released from prison while hundreds
of Communists and other leftist partisans who had been valiantly
fighting the Nazi occupation were jailed. Allied authorities initiated
most of these measures. From 1945 to 1975, U.S. government agencies
gave an estimated $75 million to right-wing organizations in Italy,
including some with close ties to the neofascist Movimento Sociale
Italiano (MSI). From 1969 to 1974, high-ranking elements in Italian
military and civilian intelligence agencies, along with various
secret and highly placed neofascist groups, embarked upon a campaign
of terror and sabotage known as the "strategy of tension,"
involving a series of kidnappings, assassinations, and bombing
massacres (i stragi), including an explosion that killed eighty-five
people and injured some two hundred in the Bologna train station
in August 1980. Fueled by international security agencies including
the CIA, terrorism was directed against the growing popularity
of the democratic parliamentary Left. The objective was to "combat
by any means necessary the electoral gains of the Italian Communist
Party" and create enough terror to destabilize the multiparty
social democracy and replace it with an authoritarian "presidential
republic," or in any case "a stronger and more stable
executive." Implicated in this terrorist campaign, the CIA
refused to cooperate with an Italian parliamentary commission
investigating i stragi in 1995.
In the 1980s scores of people were murdered
in Germany, Belgium, and elsewhere in Western Europe by extreme
rightists in the service of state security agencies. As with the
earlier strategy of tension in Italy, these attacks attempted
to create enough popular fear and uncertainty to undermine the
existing social democracies. The U.S. corporate-owned media largely
ignored these acts of right-wing terrorism in Western Europe while
giving prominent play to tiny and far less effective left terrorist
grouplets found in Italy and West Germany.
In Italy, as long as the Communist party
had imposing strength in parliament and the labor unions, U.S.
policymakers worked with centrist alternatives such as the Christian
Democrats and the anticommunist Italian Socialist Party. With
Communism in decline by the 1990s, U.S. Ieaders began to lend
more open encouragement to extreme rightist forces. In 1994 and
again in 2001, national elections were won by the National Alliance,
a coalition of neofascists, ultraconservatives, and northern separatists
headed by media tycoon Silvio Berlusconi. The Alliance played
on resentments over unemployment, taxes, and immigration. It attempted
to convince people that government was the enemy-especially its
social service sector. At the same time it worked to strengthen
the repressive capacities of the state and divide the working
class against itself by instigating antagonisms between the resident
population and immigrants, all the while preaching the virtues
of the free market and pursuing tax and spending measures that
redistributed income upward. U.S. Ieaders have had not a harsh
word to say about the Italian neofascists.
U.S. leaders profess a dedication to democracy. Yet over the past
five decades, democratically elected reformist governments-guilty
of introducing redistributive economic programs-in Guatemala,
Guyana, the Dominican Republic, Brazil, Chile, Uruguay, Syria,
Indonesia (under Sukarno), Greece, Cyprus, Argentina, Bolivia,
Haiti, the Congo, and numerous other nations- were overthrown
by their respective military forces funded and advised by the
... for over the last half century or more, U.S. Ieaders have
been the greatest purveyors of violence and terrorism throughout
the world.
Exceptions that Prove the Rule
U.S. Ieaders have striven with much success
to repress (1) the emergence of competing forms of production
(socialist, collectivist, communitarian); and (2) competing capital
formations (prosperous autonomous capitalist economies, or mixed
ones, in emerging nations, and with FTAA and GATS, all public
sector services except police and military in all capitalist countries).
The goal is the Third Worldization of the entire world, including
Europe and North America, a world in which capital rules supreme
with no public sector services; no labor unions to speak of; no
prosperous, literate, effectively organized working class with
rising expectations; no pension funds or environmental, consumer,
and occupational protections, or medical plans, or any of the
other insufferable things that cut into profit rates.
While described as "anti-West"
and "anti-American," just about all leftist governments-from
Cuba to Vietnam to the late Soviet Union-have made friendly overtures
and shown a willingness to establish normal diplomatic and economic
relations with the United States. Only in a few rare cases have
U.S. Ieaders treated leftist governments or forces in a friendly
fashion: Yugoslavia during the Cold War, the Khmer Rouge (if it
could be considered leftist) against a socialist government in
Cambodia during the 1 980s, China today as it allows business
investments and labor exploitation within its "enterprise
zones." In such instances U.S. support has been dictated
by temporary expediencies or the promise, as in the case of China,
that the country is moving toward incorporation into the global
capitalist system.
In the post-World War II era, U.S. policymakers
sent assistance to Third World nations and put forth a Marshall
plan, grudgingly accepting reforms that produced marginal benefits
to the working classes of Western Europe and elsewhere. They did
this because of Cold War competition with the Soviet Union and
the strong showing of Communist parties in Western Europe. With
no competing lure today, Third World peoples (and working populations
everywhere) are given little consideration in the ongoing campaigns
to roll back benefits and wages.
After the Counter-Revolution
One can judge the intentions of policymakers
by the policies they pursue in countries that have been successfully
drawn into the Western orbit. For decades we were told by U.S.
Ieaders, media commentators, and academic policy experts that
the Cold War was a contest between freedom and an expansionist
Communism, with nothing said about the expansionist interests
of global capitalism. But immediately after Communism was overthrown
in the USSR and Eastern Europe, U.S. Ieaders began intimating
that there was something more on their agenda than just free elections
in the former "captive nations"-namely free markets.
(By "free markets," of course, we are referring to the
investment processes related to global neoliberal corporate domination,
which are neither free nor a market.) Getting rid of Communism
clearly meant getting rid of public ownership of the means of
production. Of what use was political democracy, they seemed to
be saying, if it allowed retention of an economy that was socialistic
or even social democratic? So the kind of polity seemed to weigh
less than the kind of economy.
The newly installed private market governments
in Eastern Europe, under strong direction of Western policymakers,
eliminated price controls and subsidies for food, housing, transportation,
clothing, and utilities. They reduced medical benefits and support
for public education. They abolished job guarantees, public employment
programs, and workplace benefits. They forbade workplace political
activities by labor unions. They have been selling off publicly
owned lands, factories, and news media at bargain prices to rich
corporate investors. Numerous other industries have been simply
shut down. The fundamental laws were changed from a public to
private ownership system. There was a massive transfer of public
capital into the coffers of private owners. Throughout the former
Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, "reforms" brought severe
economic recession and high unemployment; a sharp increase in
crime, homelessness, beggary, suicide, drug addiction, and prostitution;
a dramatic drop in educational and literacy standards; serious
deterioration in health care and all other public services; and
skyrocketing infant mortality with plummeting life expectancy
rates. i4
Another of many examples is Grenada. In
1983, U.S. forces invaded the tiny and relatively defenseless
sovereign nation of Grenada (population 110,000) in blatant violation
of international law. The invasion could not be denied, but what
of the intent? The Reagan administration justified the assault
by claiming (a) it was a rescue operation on behalf of American
students whose safety was being threatened at the St. George medical
school; (b) the island harbored a large contingent of Cuban troops
and "deadly armaments"; (c) the New Jewel revolutionary
government had allowed the island to become a Soviet-Cuban training
camp "to export terror and undermine democracy," and
was planning to build a Soviet submarine base and a Soviet military
air base; (d) Cuba and the USSR could use Grenada to control crucial
"choke points" along oil tanker lanes that came to the
U.S. When it was determined that these various charges were without
foundation, some critics concluded that White House policy toward
Grenada had been unduly alarmist and misguided. But the fact that
officials offer confusing and misleading rationales is no reason
to conclude ipso facto that they are themselves confused or misled.
It may be that they have other motives which they prefer not to
In actuality U.S. global free-market policy
was quite rational and successful with regard to Grenada. Under
the New Jewel revolutionary government, free milk and other foodstuffs
were being distributed to the needy, as were materials for home
improvement. Grade school and secondary education were free for
everyone for the first time. Free health clinics were opened in
the countryside, thanks mostly to assistance rendered by Cuban
doctors. Measures were taken in support of equal pay and legal
status for women. The government leased unused land to establish
farm cooperatives and turn agriculture away from cash-crop exports
and toward self-sufficient food production. We can conclude something
about the motivation underlying the U.S. invasion by noting how
the U.S. counterrevolutionary occupation put an immediate end
to almost all these government-sponsored programs. In the years
that followed, unemployment in Grenada reached new heights and
poverty new depths. Domestic cooperatives were suppressed or starved
out. Farm families were displaced to make way for golf courses
as the corporate-controlled tourist industry boomed. Grenada was
once more firmly bound to the privatized freemarket world, once
again safely Third Worldized.
The same process occurred after the U.S.
invaded Panama in December 1989, supposedly to bring Manuel Noriega,
described as a drug-dealing dictator, to justice. With Noriega
and his leftist military deposed and the U.S. military firmly
in control, conditions in that country deteriorated sharply. Unemployment,
already high because of the U.S. embargo, climbed to 35 percent
as drastic layoffs were imposed on the public sector. Pension
rights and other work benefits were abolished. Public sector subsidies
were eliminated and services were privatized. Publicly owned media
were shut down by U.S. occupation authorities, while a number
of Panamanian editors and reporters critical of the invasion were
jailed. The U.S. military arrested labor union leaders and removed
some 150 local labor leaders from their elected positions within
their unions. Crime, poverty, drug trafficking, and homelessness
increased dramatically. Free-market Third Worldization was firmly
reinstated in Panama.
President Dwight Eisenhower [1953] uttered a forbidden truth in
his State of the Union message:
"A serious and explicit purpose of
our foreign policy [is] the encouragement of a hospitable climate
for [private] investment in foreign nations."
October 1970 cable to CIA operatives in Chile from Kissinger's
"Track Two" group states,
"It is firm and continuing policy
that [the democratically elected government of] Allende be overthrown
by a coup.... We are to continue to generate maximum pressure
toward this end utilizing every appropriate resource. It is imperative
that these actions be implemented clandestinely and securely so
that the USG [United States Government] and American hands be
well hidden."
... U.S. politico-corporate elites have long struggled to make
the world safe for the system of transnational corporate capital
accumulation; to attain control of the markets, lands, natural
resources, and cheap labor of all countries; and to prevent the
emergence of revolutionary socialist, populist, or even military
nationalist regimes that challenge this arrangement by seeking
to build alternative or competing economic systems. To achieve
this, a global military machine is essential. The goal is to create
a world populated by client states and compliant populations completely
open to transnational corporate penetration, on terms that are
completely favorable to the penetrators. It is not too much to
conclude that such an activist and violent global policy is produced
not by dumb coincidence but by conscious design.
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