Bankers, Lawyers and Linkage Groups
excerpted from the book
The Splendid Blond Beast
by Christopher Simpson
Common Courage Press, 1995

... During the second half of the 1920s, the most important
international market for recycling the new private U.S. wealth
was Germany. This investment was carried out mainly through loans
to German industry, direct U.S. investment in German companies,
development loans to German cities, and millions of dollars worth
of Dawes Plan credits that indirectly financed German war reparations.
The scope of U.S.-German capital flows during the 1920s has never
been fully documented, but the fraction of it that can be traced
totals close to $1.5 billion, not including Dawes Plan credits.
In today's currency this sum would be measured in the tens of
billions of dollars.
There was considerable direct U.S. investment in German companies
as U.S. companies sought to buy into European markets at bargain
prices. ITT purchased a half-dozen German telecommunications equipment
manufacturers during the late 1920s and early 1930s, while General
Motors bought control of the Adam Opel corporation (and with it
about 40 percent of the German automotive market) in 1929. Fritz
Opel joined GM's board of directors as part of the deal. Ford
Motor Company built a vast factory at Cologne, then used it to
manufacture cars for all of Central and Eastern Europe. There
were also joint ventures, such as IG Farben's pacts with Standard
Oil of New Jersey, some of which were subsequently found to be
violations of U.S. law. General Electric purchased substantial
shares of the German electronics giants AEG and Siemens, and entered
joint ventures with both companies. *
(* U.S. corporate investment in Germany during the 1920s and
1930s was concentrated in the hands of fewer than two dozen major
companies, reports economic historian Mira Wilkins. According
to her data, U.S. industrial leaders in Germany included oil and
chemical companies such as du Pont, Standard Oil of New Jersey,
and Texaco; food and consumer products companies such as Corn
Products Refining Co. (today CPC International) and United Fruit;
and mining companies such as American Metal (today AMAX), Anaconda,
International Nickel (based in Canada, but American owned) and
the large Guggenheim mining interests The most active category
of U.S. industrial investors appears to have been automotive and
light industrial manufacturing companies, including Ford, GE,
GM, Goodrich, IBM, International Harvester, ITT, National Cash
Register (joint venture with Krupp), Singer, and several smaller
Specialized banks, law firms, and trading companies that focused
on opening the German market to U.S. capital sprang up on both
sides of the Atlantic. Practically without exception, the giant
U.S.-German capital flows were administered by a small group of
specialists at the very top of the social structure of both countries.
A number of institutions and individuals who were prominent in
this trade went on to play powerful roles in U.S.-German affairs
over the next five decades.
... All told, these and more than a dozen similar transactions
had a combined value in excess of a billion dollars.
For John Foster Dulles, international banking seemed to be
a distinctly noble and humanitarian profession. "It is the
highest function of finance to move goods from the place where
they constitute a surplus to the place where they will fill a
deficit," he told a sympathetic audience at the Foreign Policy
Association as the economic boom of the 1920s showed the first
signs of unraveling. "[A]nd in performing this service during
the past nine years our bankers have given an extraordinary demonstration
of the beneficent use of financial power," principally by
opening European markets to U.S. goods through the extension of
loans to European customers. International banking, he said, "is
a simple story . . . the story of how Europe has been saved from
starving and we from choking."
Banker and latter-day diplomat Paul Nitze describes a 1929
incident in his autobiography that captures much of the financial
community's sense of its role. Nitze was in those years a protégé
of Dillon, Read chairman Clarence Dillon. As Nitze tells the story,
the elder executive explained to him that over the previous fifty
years "the New York banking community had wielded more influence
than politicians in Washington." Throughout history, Dillon
continued, "societies have been dominated by one element
of society or another-by priests, by royalty, by the military,
by politicians either from the common folk or from the aristocracy,
and from time to time by wealthy financiers. This last element
had found its way to the top of the hierarchy for a while in ancient
Greece, in Rome in the days of Lucullus, in the city-states of
Italy during the days of the Medici, for a while in France, and
. . . in the United States." At this time, Dillon believed
that a major economic depression was on the way and that the ensuing
political crisis would signal the "end of an era."
The U.S. financial elite had great influence on U.S. foreign
affairs, often manifested most directly in the Foreign Service,
the career staff of the Department of State. As Nitze's own career
was to demonstrate, there was a revolving door between international
service for major banks and law firms and positions in the U.S.
State Department. There were many family ties, too, as when Allen
Dulles remained in the Foreign Service and his brother returned
to Sullivan & Cromwell.
The top Foreign Service officers and investment bankers had
often trained at the same prep schools and Ivy League universities;
they belonged to the same social clubs and often shared similar
preconceptions on issues ranging from social class and geopolitics
to men's fashions. "Style, grace, poise, and above all, birth
were the key to success" in the Foreign Service, writes historian
Martin Weil. "The standards were similar to those of a fashionable
Washington club: 'Is he our kind of person?' No one who clearly
was not would pass.
"If a black slipped through the net, he was sent to Liberia
until he resigned. Women were sent to the jungles of South America.
Jews could not be handled as crassly, but they were made to feel
unwelcome and shut out of the better assignments. Those who had
the proper background, however, had a great time." Not everyone
in the Foreign Service actually trained at Groton and Harvard,
of course, noted Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter in his
diary. But like some people "who have not had the advantages
of the so-called well-born, but wish they had them, [they become]
more 'Grotty' than the men who actually went to Groton in the
State Department."
... The industrial and financial sectors of the German economy
during the 1920s and 1930s were tightly interlocked and controlled
by a handful of powerful interests. Antimonopoly and antitrust
laws such as those used in the United States to encourage competition
were unknown. German economic tradition had long encouraged industrial
cartels, trusts, and similar organizations designed to dictate
prices, exclude competitors from established markets, and coordinate
bids for political power. This resulted in a closely interwoven
network of fewer than 300 men who made up the senior managers
and the boards of directors of virtually every large-scale enterprise
in the country. Within this group power was further concentrated
in the very largest banks, insurance companies, and manufacturing
The general contours of this elite can be illustrated through
the interlocking directorships and financial ties among Germany's
two principal banks and their associated industrial concerns,
which served as a central meeting ground and policy-coordination
point for much of German industry. Deutsche Bank and Dresdner
Bank exercised an "influence and control over [German] industry
to a degree unparalleled in modern American banking," as
a later U.S. government study put it. They exerted power through
interlocking directorships, control of voting rights to large
blocks of company stock, authority over the financing and credits
necessary for day-to-day business, and the banks' service as a
go-between among the German state and private enterprises.
The U.S. government calculated shortly after World War II
that the Deutsche Bank's board of directors and senior management
sat on the boards of some 525 other major German companies, and
that this pattern had been true since the 1920s. Deutsche Bank
had no fewer than three joint directors with the Allianz Insurance
group (the largest insurance company in the world); six joint
directors with Daimler Benz; four with Daimler's ostensible competitor,
BMW; five with the Mannesmann steel combine, four with the electrical
giant AEG; three with coal and steel specialists Hoesch AG; six
with one of Germany's largest armament manufacturers, DEMAG; and
no fewer than eight with the Siemens group of companies, which
has dominated German electrical engineering and communications
equipment markets for generations. Indeed, Deutsche Bank, Mannesmann,
and Siemens can fairly be said to have grown up as a single economic
Germany's second largest bank, the Dresdner Bank, was also
allied with key businesses during the 1920s and 1930s, including
the Krupp empire and steel magnate Friedrich Flick's. In later
years, Dresdner bankrolled the SS concentration camp system and
the government-sponsored Hermann Goring Werke, which served as
a vast holding company for dozens of mining, steel, and armaments
companies seized by the Nazis. The Krupps had used the Dresdner
as a virtual in-house bank since the end of the nineteenth century,
in much the same manner that the Siemens interests had dominated
Deutsche Bank.
These two major German financial institutions had long competed
for business and political influence. At the same time, they often
cooperated in dealing with business trusts that were simply too
big to fit under any one bank's umbrella, such as the chemical
combine IG Farben and Vereinigte Stahlwerke, or United Steelworks.
Obviously, there were other prominent German and American
financial leaders in addition to those mentioned here, but this
brief list is characteristic. They were, first of all, a relatively
small group, even within the closed world of U.S. and German law
and banking. They specialized in foreign affairs and have had
a substantial influence on U.S.-German relations and on both countries'
conduct of foreign affairs, emerging at the core of a foreign
policy establishment active in groups such as the Council on Foreign
Relations. They built strong relationships over a period of ten,
twenty and even thirty years. They often shared similar convictions
on issues such as class, business, and the importance of U.S.-German
economic ties. In many cases, they shared business partnerships
and investments as well.
This does not mean that they had a single point of view concerning
Hitler, either before or after the Nazis' climb to power in 193033.
Contrary to the popular myths concerning the Dulles brothers,
for example, Allen Dulles was a relatively early advocate of U.S.
backing for the British in their showdown with Germany, while
John Foster Dulles remained considerably more tolerant of Nazism.
Others were prominent Jews who were destined to be dispossessed
by the Nazis. Banker Eric Warburg was forced to sell off most
of his German properties in the early 1930s, but he returned for
the reconstruction after 1945. Some members of the elite did become
creatures of Hitler, however, such as Dresdner Bank's Karl Lindemann,
who was characterized as a "rabid Nazi" by one of the
bank's senior executives, Hans Schippel.
The cement that bound these groups together was trade, not
politics-or at least not politics in the narrow sense of the term.
U.S. business magazines became regular critics of Hitler's politics
during the 1930s, for example. But a review of the internal records
of U.S. companies made public during wartime "trading with
the enemy'' scandals shows that, despite pious comments to the
press, a dozen major corporations proved to be enthusiastic partners
in trade and technology cartels exploited by the Nazis.
Even Allen Dulles, who was among the more vocal on Wall Street
in warning that German military adventures would come to no good,
found himself caught up in this contradiction. Captured German
records show that the United Fruit Company, where Dulles maintained
a long and active directorship, became an international pacesetter
in devising ways to expand trade with Germany despite obstacles
from the U.S. and U.K. governments. Similarly, while publicly
advocating U.S. economic backing for the British on the eve of
the war, Dulles was privately representing German corporate clients
in their efforts to buy out the American Potash and Chemical Corporation,
an important potential source of strategic chemicals and foreign
currency. *
(* Sullivan & Cromwell maintained strong ties to German
corporate interests at the outbreak of World War II, notwithstanding
Allen Dulles's public comments. As far back as the 1920s, John
Foster Dulles and Sullivan & Cromwell had represented Metallgesellschaft
AG of Frankfurt, the largest nonferrous metals company in the
world. Dulles's task at that time was to reestablish the Frankfurt
company's control of the American Metal Company, a U.S. subsidiary
of Metallgesellschaft that had been seized as enemy property during
the war. He succeeded.
Almost two decades later, in 1938, IG Farben director Hermann
Schmitz, who had played a major role in the Metallgesellschaft
affair, hired Sullivan & Cromwell to deal with the World War
II version of U.S. Alien property regulations. According to U.S.
Justice Department and Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
investigators, IG Farben's photographic film subsidiary GAF was
at that time engaged in complex financial maneuvers designed to
conceal its relationship to the IG. GAF wished to avoid the Treasury
Department's strict regulations on control of foreign funds, and
to head off the possibility that it, too, might be seized as enemy
property if war broke out.
According to Chester T. Lane, the general counsel of the SEC
in the 1930s, "The German government, acting through its
representatives here, its financial counselors and attorneys,
who, as I remember, were Sullivan & Cromwell, filed a registration
statement with us looking towards refunding of many of its securities
held in the United States," Lane recalled. "It was obviously
designed as a public relations gesture." Lane and the SEC
responded with a demand that the Nazi state "give us a complete
blueprint of [its] economy, including all its indirect assessments
through party dues, its indirect taxes, and its whole financial
structure." Frustrated, the Germans eventually abandoned
the effort.)
Despite their differences, these U.S.-German "reference
groups" or "linkage groups," as they became known
to sociologists, shared common convictions that were to them far
more fundamental: the central importance of maintaining the viability
of capitalism as a national and world economic system, and the
key role of U.S. and German productive capacity and markets within
that effort. Measured against these more basic values, the Nazis
and their whole brutal apparatus were seen by much of the elite
as transitory, at least during the 1920s and 1930s. From the standpoint
of corporate ideology, this elite saw itself as a new generation
of the so-called managerial revolution; they considered themselves
to be "forward thinking" and unencumbered by the stuffy
formalism of earlier times.
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