Email 8

From R

I'm a journalism student (in the infancy of my education), attending college in Alabama. I have spent the better part of today perusing your great site. I am so happy to have found this wealth of information all in one place. I must admit that I've been experiencing much anxiety about my journalism career. I love to write, and I enjoy learning about other cultures and the world outside of America; since I didn't wish to be just another English major, I thought journalism was the way to go. My fear, however, was this: would I be doomed to only find work in the mass-media world, being a "spin doctor", a reporter with no integrity who regurgitates whatever the government encourages or the profit-driven media outlets demand? I would rather deliver pizzas and just let my writing be done only in my diary (or blog, nowadays!) than sell my journalistic soul. Many (most, it seems) of my peers in the Communications department are majoring in such things as PR (to make money and/or get close to celebrity, they say) or have dreams of being anchors for the local news. I was beginning to wonder if I was strange or something. I want to report on the stories that no one hears on the news, to use journalism to expose lies, fight injustice, help others (or at least bring understanding to their plight), and be a voice for those who have no voice, and blah blah, all that other idealistic nonesense that is just part of the naivete of youth (or so I'm led to believe). In other words, to make people listen to what they would rather forget is happening all around them! Given the collective mood of our nation these days, I wondered if anyone cared for that sort of thing anymore. Believe me, people have laughed at me when I tell them what sort of journalism I'd like to be involved in. I hear things like "Oh, why would you want to do that?" or "Well you'll never make any money that way!" My mother-in-law even said "Foreign correspondent? You won't be able to do that around here [meaning Alabama], will you?" When I told her no, I would be required to travel, she seemed bewildered as to why anyone would willingly get involved in such a field! Anyway, my point to all this rambling is to thank you for creating ThirdWorldTraveller and compiling all this great information. It has really helped me, as well as given me hope and shown me that I'm not alone in feeling that something is amiss with the way the news is reported here in America. After reading some of the book excerpts (interestingly, Amusing Ourselves to Death will be required reading for one of my higher-level courses), I realize that work as a foreign correspondent is dwindling along with the public's interest in matters from abroad, but I hope that I'm preparing myself well for the opportunity should it arise. I'm getting as many languages under my belt as possible, some political science, and of course a lot of history (of which I am fond and must admit do well in). I have already learned a lot from this great site and look forward to learning more! Finally, I was wondering if you could tell me just a little about yourself...for instance, how did you get the idea to start ThirdWorldTraveler, and what sort of journalism experience do you have? It would just be interesting to know, because whoever created this site seems like they would be a very cool person! (Persons?) Thanks for your time!


Steve's reply

This uncool person started TWT in 1994, initially to provide difficult-to-find travel information for international travelers. But, I quickly realized that my real interest lay in understanding how the policies of First World countries, particularly the US, impacted the Third World/underdeveloped countries of the world (many of which I have traveled to over the years).

I wanted to put in one place, information about US foreign policy from a perspective not found in the US mainstream media - an independent view - the view of the losers of globalization, of free trade, of humanitarian intervention, of our energy policy, rather than of the winners with whom our media are overwhelmingly focused and our government's policies are overwhelmingly oriented. In the process, the state of American democracy and corporate media joined foreign policy as primary focuses of my website, because they are intimately intertwined with the foreign policy of the U.S. government.

I have no journalism background and I am not a writer, but I am an avid reader, and I have become a student of U.S. policy, not the stuff we learn in school and are exposed to in the mainstream media, but the truth about empire and its costs, to us and to Third World peoples.

My heroes are the journalists and writers who spend their lives trying (with great difficulty) to inform us about the reality of the policies of the countries of the industrialized world - our world - and the suffering and immiseration these policies have caused for generations, the Iraq War being but one example.

My heroes include Noam Chomsky, Howard Zinn, William Blum, Michael Parenti, John Pilger, Robert Fisk, and scores of others about whom Americans do not have the faintest knowledge, because these authors and journalists are marginalized, kept out off of TV and radio, and out of newspapers and magazines, because they are considered subversive - they tell the truth.

TWT is a work in progress (I add material almost daily). Remember the movie 'Field of Dreams' with Kevin Kostner? The subtitle was "If you build it, they will come". Well, I built it (TWT), and they (Internet users) are beginning to come.

My hope is that more peope will be exposed to this material, and as a result, they will begin to agitate for changes in this country's policies.

Good luck to you in your pursuit of success and truth. Keep visiting TWT.


From D

I just stumbled across your site while searching on "howard zinn". It appears to be a healthy repository of important information, and I commend you for hoisting it up for folks to see.

I'm especially grateful for the Afghanistan page. Sadly ... extremely goddamn sadly ... it seems very few persons who rightly and righteously condemn the horror of US actions in Iraq consider the invasion and
occupation of Afghanistan an equal abomination ... if they think about it at all. Some even appear to support it, at least passively, as a "just war" (a non sequitur par excellence).

Hard to fathom ... has that been your experience, as well? I'll be sure to steer folks to your site.


Steve's reply

Sadly, Americans are too uninformed to know what their government is doing in the world. Afghanistan is just one of the U.S.'s foreign policy debacles that the American people ignore because the media tell them to ignore it. The suffering of Afghanis (and Iraqis, and Angolans, and Haitians, ....) will continue because Americans don't know that they are suffering, or, don't want to know that they are suffering, at the hands of our government, funded by our taxes, and supported by our votes..

George Orwell said, "The people will believe what the media tell them they believe".

The U.S. mainstream media conglomerates, the CEOs who run them, the celebrity "journalists" who read the "news" to the public and depend on the media CEOs to employ them and government officals and VIPs to give them access, are all part of a totalitarian-like system of disinformation and self-censorship that, in 21st century America, with its high-tech Disneyland and its "information superhighway", produces Americans who don't know where Afghanistan is until a U.S. or israeli bomb marks the spot for them. And then, the celebrity "journalists", who have bought in to the propaganda system lock, stock, and barrel, will explain to us why the vaporization of a country and its people was not only a good thing, but necessary to keep America safe from marauding anti-American mujihadeen who hate our TVs, SUVs, and iPods.

It is up to alternative media to get the stories out, and because alternative media has no money and isn't on prime time TV, Americans will continue to be frightened and manipulated by a political elite (and their media handmaidens) whose agenda is very different from that of most decent human beings.

At present, alternative media is the only hope of getting a different message to enough Americans to make them "mad as hell", and willing to do something about it. We can only keep trying.


From S

Your website ( does a pretty lousy job of attempting to be truthful and has a very obvious (and frequently contradictory) slant. There are MANY alternative views to what the media shows us and you choose to primarily present a radically progressive take on history and current events. And the famous thinkers you've decided to quote are relatively mainstream, so what is it that is so alternative to your view? Some of the information on your website is relevant. Some of it is not. I would think that reading a book by one of the quoted personages would be more enlightening than reading your hodgepodge quotations and "facts".

What I see is merely your personal expression of what you vaguely interpret as a "righteous cause" against those you perceive as "misguided conservatives" or more simply put - "the other". You're not much better than FOX news or CNN and the content of your site is only marginally more worthwhile. If you would like to be taken more seriously, it may be a better idea for you to write your own book and reference various authors. Explain with reasonable logic how you have come to your conclusion. All I see now is a shaky bottom line with no real substance. You might want to rethink your approach. Anyway, good luck with whatever it is you would like to believe in and accomplish. I recommend writing a book - otherwise I don't think well-educated people will take you very seriously.


Steve's reply

TWT provides voices that offer a progressive perspective on events, as an alternative to the US mainstream media, which should more accurately be called the "disinformation, prowar, procorporate, antidemocracy media".

Although you may not find the quotations valuable, many TWT visitors do. I believe it is not yet un-American to think - critically, and quotations can sometimes jog us into looking at things from a new perspective.

I do not have the talent to write a book, but a tour through the TWT website makes it clear that there are many people who do.

Please don't put the thoughtful discussion and commentary by informed authors on TWT on the same level as Fox News, a network of talking heads and pundits who wouldn't know the truth or recognize a balanced discussion if they tripped over it.

I have read hundreds of books and thousands of articles over the last 12 years that have provided me with a pretty clear idea about how the world works and how the American system functions, about who has the power, how they weld it, and what results from their actions, about how few principles politicians really have, and about how the desire for wealth and power drives some of our elected leaders and their henchmen to do almost anything to get it and keep it.

I don't expect most people to spend the time and effort to do what I have done. But, if people really want to be informed citizens of the most powerful country in the history of the world, they need to recognize that there is something very wrong in America, that we are going in the wrong direction, that we are hurting an awful lot of people in the world, and that we are ignorant of the truth because we have been so dumbed-down by the right-wing propaganda fed to us day after day by the mainstream media.


From BV

Love the website! Just found it. The quotes are a magnificent resource

A quick comment about your email discussion regarding Portuguese fascist dictator Salazar, in which the emailer relates that his father preferred not to talk about what kinds of policies and actions the Salazar regime implemented because he thought it best to leave the past behind.

Oh beware of those who wish to leave the past behind by enforcing and maintaining silence about it! Such silence is the tool of those who prefer to be blind to its lessons, its sadnesses, its horrors and its
indignities as well as its joys, inventions and the nature and lives of its genius and geniuses, the cutting edge of human evolution and perhaps our only hope!

Forgetting the past means refusing to integrate it into the present, at least on a conscious level. The past is a strict and insistent teamster that turns drunken and unbearably cruel if the horses of human progress attempt to ignore it. It is unlikely to loosen its hold on the harness merely because the team fails to recognize the lessons of the road that re-appear in myriad variations as the trip continues.

Forgetting the past is the siren call of the dictator and the stooge, the schizoid and the professional life-long drunkard. It is the plea of the wife beater and his accomplice masochist. It is the refuge of the
hopelessly damaged and the personality disordered, and it will always result in failure, doom and intentional or unintentional suicide of the body, spirit, mind, or all three.

Paying attention to the past is perhaps the only available key that unlocks the secret door to the future of humanity on this planet. It is what we can correct and build on, glory in and mourn. It is the story of
the beast and angel that we, as a species, are. Without it, and in forgetting it, we are no better than the tiny frightened mouse-like critter that skittered between the feet of the dinosaurs, outlived them
and became, in essence, if we remember our past, our mother... THE mother to us all.


Steve's reply

Thank you for your comments. Our national amnesia is a product of a political class, a mainstream media, and an education system that are controlled by corporations, that are in turn controlled by a ruling elite.

Those at the top know that the only thing that allows them to get away with the theft of the American dream and the pursuit of their international criminal policies, is a public that is ignorant of history.

Historians and writers who seek to bring the truth to an increasingly uninformed public are critically important members of our society. Without them, Americans have no chance of awakening from their deep sleep to understand the real intentions of the people in power.

Salazar is just one of a multitude of cretins who have been supported by American "statesmen" in order to pursue their policies of greed. The Gilded Age has returned to America because of the induced amnesia af the American people, and the American empire is supported by these same people who have been taught to believe that we only do good in the world.


From AD

My name is A_____ From Dublin, Ireland. I'm in the Concern debating Quarter finals next week and the motion is:" In the fight against third world poverty, the western media is more of a hindrance than a help". My team and I are proposing this motion and are finding it hard to get the right information. If have any information that you could give me from your site or even direct me to a part of your site that we could go to it would bre greatly appreciated. My particular topic which i must discuss is on compassion fatigue, and how the media desensitizes us! Again any information would be greatly appreciated or if not could you please guide me in the right direction as to where to get information.


Steve's reply

I cannot think of any material on TWT specific to the media's role in "First World compassion fatigue" and Third World poverty. But, I believe, the problem is not so much compassion fatigue, as it is a policy of the mainstream media to keep people in West ignorant about the underdeveloped countries and their people, except to present "human interest" stories that tug at our hearts in order to keep our "eyeballs" glued to the TV.

We in the West are ignorant of the third world. We cannot relate to poor people in far-off lands except as victims. The mainstream media in our countries do not tell us that much third world poverty is the product of the concerted policies of first world policymakers and their corporate patrons to exploit the resources and cheap labor of the world's poor, for profit.

That should be in the news. We should be provided facts about the political causes of poverty, about how our governments collude with ruling elites in Africa, Latin America and elsewhere to keep the poor in poverty, and make them poorer, so that we in the first world can maintain the lifestyles we have come to enjoy.

If we can only relate to poor people throughout the world as victims, we are likely to dismiss their plight as just one more human tragedy, and go about our normal lives oblivious to our role in their plight.

Instead of focusing on compassion fatigue in your debate, focus on the failure of the mainstream media to educate us, to offer us any explanations for the growth of poverty, the repetition of famines, and the persistence of preventable disease. We should not be fatigued, but angered, at being left so ignorant by our mainstream media about the causes of third world immiseration.


From SS

My son has been telling me about you. So I have reading up about you and have decided you're an idiot, a goof ball, and worst of all a dangerous man.


Steve's reply

I am neither an idiot nor a dangerous man.

I present a view of the United States that few Americans ever see or hear. I believe the material on TWT offers a more accurate picture of this country and its role in the world than that found in the US mainstream media. Rather than calling me names, you should consider whether the information presented on TWT may be the reason so much hate is now being directed at America from many corners of the world.

You should be more tolerant of information with which you do not agree. Do some research. Maybe you are wrong, and I am right.


From RS

Do you have anything good to say about the United States?


Steve's reply

I was raised to love America and respect its leaders. I was taught that the US did only good in the world - it was the knight that slayed evil global dragons; it was a beacon for all who loved freedom; it championed democracy everywhere.

Then I grew up, lived through the Vietnam War, and began my journey of uncovering the truth about US policies in the world.

Do I have anything good to say about the United States?

1 - The United States is the most militarily-powerful and the richest country in the history of the world.

2 - America has been good to me - I was educated, became a professional, lived well, and have enjoyed the fruits of empire. I have no personal complaints. The problem is the price my good life has cost the poorest people in the world.

3 - The US Constitution and Bill of Rights have offered hope to the oppressed and unfree for generations (although the Bill of Rights is in the process of being dismantled as I write).

4 - The US defeated Nazi Germany, and saved Europe from fascism, (but, some of the US's most powerful industrialists supported Hitler and his war effort, and there were many people in government and industry who hoped that Hitler would subdue the communist USSR, and they were willing to let Europeans pay the price - fascism.)

5 - The US-led Nuremberg Trials and the US-supported UN Declaration of Human Rights set the standard for international human rights law (although international law and human rights are now being undermined by Bush and Company).

I'm sure, given time, I could think of a few other good things the US has done.

But, the history of United States' actions in the world is overwhelmingly negative - violence, injustice, and the violation of human rights in the name of US corporate profits.

Control of natural resources, strategic military domination, access to cheap labor, access to markets for US goods - these have in reality been the "ideals" that young American men and women have fought, killed, and given their lives for. Though politicians speak of democracy, freedom, and justice, they spend the country's treasure and waste the lives of its young invading poor countries and killing poor people of color for the benefit a very few in America. Iraq is just one aggressive blunder in a long series of aggressive acts that have devastated the economies and cultures of poor countries and immiserated and killed their people.

Follow the money. For the powerful, it's not about democracy and freedom and liberty; it's about greed.

And it's a crying shame that most Americans don't have a clue about what is going on.


From RK

My email should no more receive attention than your Website should. You DID guess something correctly - the citation from Ralph Waldo Emerson...the hardest thing is: "to think!" Try it, you might like it.


Steve's reply

Don't be so critical of views with which you do not agree. Be more tolerant of ideas and views against which you clearly have a bias. You may be wrong.


From SM

You may be a traveler but your ignorant. Your Bush accomplishment page is one of the biggest lists of lies I've seen except for two. Rendering the U.N. irrelevant and withdrawing from the world court were good things.

The last one in your list is especially wrong. This economy was tanking before Bush took office. It started tanking in 1998. Luckily I had a wise Canadian to listen to and got out of the tech market in time right before clintons policies destroyed the tech industry.

The good news though is that the American public isn't listening to people like you anymore and we're better off for it.


Steve's reply

You should be more tolerant of ideas with which you do not agree. I believe you have been misinformed on a number of issues, including George W. Bush.


From SM again

I'm afraid you don't know the difference between information and propaganda. Being tolerant isn't always a good thing either.


Steve's reply

You consider the books and articles on TWT to be propaganda, but you ignore the propagandizing of the NY Times, Wall Street Journal, Newsweek, and other establishment media. Their biases are those of the media owners, CEOs, Boards of Directors, and editors, whose allegiance is to the ruling class and to the perpetuation of the structure of wealth and power in this country.

Both the right and left have biases. The difference is that the propaganda of the right reaches the American people, while that of the left does not. TWT is a small attempt to rectify that imbalance.


From SB

My question would be "Is it difficult to believe the US is this bad"? Generally, I am very free to do what I want when I want. How could the US could systemattically screw everyone and there would be a little outcry? I think your site is very informative and helpful.

How can you go from a conservative to liberal thinking the country basically is an evil empire? What is the most convincing story you have read?


Steve's reply

We are free, as long as we do not try to change the structure of wealth and power in this country. The major US corporations and a relatively small number of wealthy individuals whose money is derived from corporate profits, manage overall US policy. Their goal is to maximize corporate profits. They live and die by the stock market - where they invest their money and where their corporations' values rise or fall.

These corporations need global markets to buy their products, they need raw materials. They need cheap labor to grow their bananas (banana republic), make their toys, and mine their aluminum. They need "stability" in the poor third world countries where these resources are found and where cheap manufacturing of their products occur.

And of course they need oil - we all need oil. We're addicted to the stuff. Without it our economy would tank and depression would follow.

So from the very beginning of this country, the government has done what it needed to do to maintain stability in countries on which it depended for markets, materials, and labor. Our wealth came from exploiting other countries and peoples. We took their labor and materials and we got rich in the process. The Romans did it in 500BC, the Spanish did it in the 15th, 16th and 17th centuries, the French in the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries, the British in the 18th and 19th centuries, and the US in the 19th, 20th and now 21st centuries. That's how empires are built.

Democracies are messy - people complain and march and sometimes elect individuals who will not accept low wages or sell their oil or natural gas or chromium or aluminum to the US (or other first world countries) at bargain basement prices. They want good wages for work and want to keep more of the money from their national heritage - oil and gas - rather than letting the transnational oil corporations reap windfall profits from them. So, US leaders support dictatorships instead of democracies, so they can control the price of labor and materials in third world countries. They work out deals with tyrants and military juntas to control their populations by whatever means. In return these dictators get rich - really, really, rich.

So our government, since the Monroe Doctrine in the 19th century, has invaded and occupied, spied on, propagandized, and subverted, massacred and tortured poor people of color in far-away or not-so-far-away lands who wanted democracy and independence for their countries, and the freedoms that we enjoy.

Any leader or any people who has tried to break away from the neoliberal economic policies of the US-led globalization and use their country's wealth for his own people has been severely punished - economically and militarily. The "threat of a good example" is not tolerated. Examples close to home include Haiti, Cuba, Guatemala, El Salvador, Brazil, Venezuela, and on and on.

So, yes we are prosperous and free. We are lucky to be living in a country whose origins were constitutional and democratic. But, much of our wealth comes from the exploitation of others and although we have democracy here, we have denied democracy and freedom to millions throughout the world so we can have a the lifestyles that we have. It is unfair and it is unethical.

And, if anyone tries to change this structure of wealth of power, if we try to end a foreign policy of exploitation and immiseration, we will find that our own freedom will be at risk. For our ruling elite will not tolerate any of us threatening this international system which has made them so wealthy and so powerful.

TWT contains hundreds of articles and book excerpts that explain at length what I have just written in brief. Spend enough time at this website and you will begin to understand how things really work.


From MB

I followed a link while reading Ingmar Lee article : Beating Around the Bush By the Bourse and I discovered your site ! I am still gasping for air after having seen so much information. I've been a fan of alternative media for the past 2 years now and I always want to see and learn more . Well then, today I am more then well served. Keep up the great work... Those coming months and years ahead indicate to me that people will need more and more ressources like the one you are offering !


Steve's reply

Thank you for your comments. There are hundreds of authors and an enormous amount of material that contradict the mainstream media view of the world, but few people know about this wealth of information. TWT trys to put put as much of this material as possible in one place for those who are tired of the lies and disinformation and want to know the truth about American democracy and the U.S.'s role in the world.


From AB

I do not understand your thought or ideology. You claim not to be socialist or communist, yet you agree with many of their quotes and beliefs. You seem to believe in a kind of utopian society which is obvious will never exist. You claim America...that some other places in the world are better...have more freedoms...tell me where? I even read one quote that attempted to compare the US to Nazi Germany...have you gone mad? America is not perfect, however, I believe the Constitution does provide for the freedoms of all. It has taken some time for these freedoms to take hold...but this country has given these freedoms through social reforms and change, not massacres, imprisonment, and executions. I am sure you will have an argument to counter this, but the examples you give are primarily isolated and do not represent the society or Amercian government as a whole. Sure there are problems...things will never be perfect. It is up to every individual to do what is right and moral.

And as a side-note, I do believe war can be justified under certain circumstances. Such as fighting for freedom or the preservation of freedom; either for oneself or a people. After all, if you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything!


Steve's reply

America was an "ideal" that we were raised to believe in. At one time the world believed in the American ideal as well. The universal belief in the greatness of the US was based on our Bill of Rights, our role in WWII, and on the vibrant democracy we had in comparison with other countries.

But the world has changed, and so has the US. Now, there are countries that are more democratic and that offer their people more decent lives. But, they are less belligerent and violent than we are. They do not feel the need to coerce weaker countries to follow a neoliberal corporate economic model, do not feel the need to undermine elected democracies that they do not agree with, do not feel the need to bully the world.

Successive US governments have carefully chosen which democracies to support and which to get rid of. Successive US governments have been very selective about which dictators to prop up and which to remove. If a weak third world country is democratic but wishes to use its wealth and resources for better food, better health care, and better education for its people, the US intervenes to ensure regime change. But, if a country is ruled by a tyrant who oppresses and kills his own people, he is supported by the US as long as he opens his country's labor and resources to US corporate exploitation. When a tyrant steps out of line (Noriega of Panama, and Saddam) we get rid of him

Our leaders are hypocrites who say they are for freedom and democracy while undermining it everywhere. And the American people, in their righteous ignorance, continue to support these policies.

The people of the world have finally awoken to the reality of the US, and they don't like what they see. Instead of a steadfast champion of democracy and freedom, they see a selfish and arrogant nation, run by thugs-in-suits, that wants the people of the world to cower before its military strength, bow to its economic power, and play by its rules.

The American ideal is dead. People who know the truth must continue to criticize US policymakers and their actions here and around the world. We must demand that this country return to the ideals that made it great, ideals that at one time engendered the love of the American people and the respect of the world.

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