Italy 1947-1948:
Free elections: Hollywood style
from the book
Killing Hope
US Interventions in the Third World
by William Blum

"Those who do not believe in the ideology of the United
States, shall not be allowed to stay in the United States,"
declared the American Attorney General, Tom Clark, in January
In March, the Justice Department, over which Clark presided,
determined that Italians who did not believe in the ideology of
the United States would not be allowed to emigrate to, or even
enter, the United States.
This was but one tactic in a remarkable American campaign
to ensure that Italians who did not believe in the ideology of
the United States would not be allowed to form a government of
a differing ideology in Italy in their election of 1948.
Two years earlier, the Italian Communist Party (PCI), one
of the largest in the world, and the Socialist Party (PSI) had
together garnered more votes and more seats in the Constituent
Assembly election than the Christian Democrats. But the two parties
of the left had run separate candidates and thus had to be content
with some ministerial posts in a coalition cabinet under a Christian
Democrat premier. The results, nonetheless, spoke plainly enough
to put the fear of Marx into the Truman administration.
For the 1948 election, scheduled for 18 April, the PCI and
PSI united to form the Popular Democratic Front (FDP) and in February
won municipal elections in Pescara with a 10 percent increase
in their vote over 1946. The Christian Democrats ran a poor second.
The prospect of the left winning control of the Italian government
loomed larger than ever before. It was at this point that the
US began to train its big economic and political guns upon the
Italian people. All the good ol' Yankee know-how, all the Madison
Avenue savvy in the art of swaying public opinion, all the Hollywood
razzmatazz would be brought to bear on the "target market".
Pressing domestic needs in Italy, such as agricultural and
economic reform, the absence of which produced abysmal extremes
of wealth and poverty, were not to be the issues of the day. The
lines of battle would be drawn around the question of "democracy"
vs. "communism" (the idea of "capitalism"
remaining discreetly to one side). The fact that the Communists
had been the single most active anti-fascist group in Italy during
the war, undergoing ruthless persecution, while the Christian
Democrat government of 1948 and other electoral opponents on the
right were riddled through with collaborators, monarchists and
plain unreconstructed fascists ... this too would be ignored;
indeed, turned around. It was now a matter of Communist "dictatorship"
vs. their adversaries' love of "freedom": this was presumed
a priori. As one example, a group of American congressmen visited
Italy in summer 1947 and casually and arbitrarily concluded that
"The country is under great pressure from within and without
to veer to the left and adopt a totalitarian-collective national
To make any of this at all credible, the whole picture had
to be pushed and squeezed into the frame of The American Way of
Life vs. The Soviet Way of Life, a specious proposition which
must have come as somewhat of a shock to leftists who regarded
themselves as Italian and neither Russian nor American.
In February 1948, after non-Communist ministers in Czechoslovakia
had boycotted cabinet meetings over a dispute concerning police
hiring practices, the Communist government dissolved the coalition
cabinet and took sole power. The Voice of America pointed to this
event repeatedly, as a warning to the Italian people of the fate
awaiting them if Italy "went Communist" (and used as
well by anti-communists for decades afterward as a prime example
of communist duplicity). Yet, by all appearances, the Italian
Christian Democrat government and the American government had
conspired the previous year in an even more blatant usurpation
of power.
In January 1947, when Italian Premier Alcide de Gasperi visited
Washington at the United States' invitation, his overriding concern
was to plead for crucial financial assistance for his war-torn,
impoverished country. American officials may have had a different
priority. Three days after returning to Italy, de Gasperi unexpectedly
dissolved his cabinet, which included several Communists and Socialists.
The press reported that many people in Italy believed that de
Gasperi's action was related to his visit to the United States
and was aimed at decreasing leftist, principally Communist, influence
in the government. After two weeks of tortuous delay, the formation
of a center or center-right government sought by de Gasperi proved
infeasible; the new cabinet still included Communists and Socialists
although the left had lost key positions, notably the ministries
of foreign affairs and finance.
From this point until May, when de Gasperi's deputy, Ivan
Lombardo, led a mission to Washington to renew the request for
aid, promised loans were "frozen" by the United States
for reasons not very clear. On several occasions during this period
the Italian left asserted their belief that the aid was being
held up pending the ouster of leftists from the cabinet. The New
York Times was moved to note that, "Some observers here feel
that a further Leftward swing in Italy would retard aid."
As matters turned out, the day Lombardo arrived in Washington,
de Gasperi again dissolved his entire cabinet and suggested that
the new cabinet would manage without the benefit of leftist members.
This was indeed what occurred, and over the ensuing few months,
exceedingly generous American financial aid flowed into Italy,
in addition to the cancelation of the nation's $1 billion debt
to the United States.{3}
At the very same time, France, which was also heavily dependent
upon American financial aid, ousted all its Communist ministers
as well. In this case there was an immediate rationale: the refusal
of the Communist ministers to support Premier Ramadier in a vote
of confidence over a wage freeze. Despite this, the ouster was
regarded as a "surprise" and considered "bold"
in France, and opinion was widespread that American loans were
being used, or would be used, to force France to align with the
US. Said Ramadier: "A little of our independence is departing
from us with each loan we obtain."{4}
As the last month of the 1948 election campaign began, Time
magazine pronounced the possible leftist victory to be "the
brink of catastrophe".{5}
"It was primarily this fear," William Colby, former
Director of the CIA, has written, "that had led to the formation
of the Office of Policy Coordination, which gave the CIA the capability
to undertake covert political, propaganda, and paramilitary operations
in the first place."{6} But covert operations, as far as
is known, played a relatively minor role in the American campaign
to break the back of the Italian left. It was the very overtness
of the endeavor, without any apparent embarrassment, that stamps
the whole thing with such uniqueness and arrogance -- one might
say swagger. The fortunes of the FDP slid downhill with surprising
acceleration in the face of an awesome mobilization of resources
such as the following:{7}
* A massive letter writing campaign from Americans of Italian
extraction to their relatives and friends in Italy -- at first
written by individuals in their own words or guided by "sample
letters" in newspapers, soon expanded to mass-produced, pre-
written, postage-paid form letters, cablegrams, "educational
circulars", and posters, needing only an address and signature.
And -- from a group calling itself The Committee to Aid Democracy
in Italy -- half a million picture postcards illustrating the
gruesome fate awaiting Italy if it voted for "dictatorship"
or "foreign dictatorship". In all, an estimated 10 million
pieces of mail were written and distributed by newspapers, radio
stations, churches, the American Legion, wealthy individuals,
etc.; and business advertisements now included offers to send
letters airmail to Italy even if you didn't buy the product. All
this with the publicly expressed approval of the Acting Secretary
of State and the Post Office which inaugurated special "Freedom
Flights" to give greater publicity to the dispatch of the
mail to Italy. The form letters contained messages such as: "A
communist victory would ruin Italy. The United States would withdraw
aid and a world war would probably result." ... "We
implore you not to throw our beautiful Italy into the arms of
that cruel despot communism. America hasn't anything against communism
in Russia [sic], but why impose it on other people, other lands,
in that way putting out the torch of liberty?" ... "If
the forces of true democracy should lose in the Italian election,
the American Government will not send any more money to Italy
and we won't send anymore money to you, our relatives." These
were by no means the least sophisticated of the messages. Other
themes emphasized were Russian domination of Italy, loss of religion
and the church, loss of family life, loss of home and land. Veteran
newsman Howard K. Smith pointed out at the time that "For
an Italian peasant a telegram from anywhere is a wondrous thing;
and a cable from the terrestrial paradise of America is not lightly
to be disregarded." The letters threatening to cut off gifts
may have been equally intimidating. "Such letters,"
wrote a Christian Democrat official in an Italian newspaper, "struck
home in southern Italian and Sicilian villages with the force
of lightning." A 1949 poll indicated that 16 percent of Italians
claimed relatives in the United States with whom they were in
touch; this, apparently, was in addition to friends there.
* The State Department backed up the warnings in the letters
by announcing that "If the Communists should win ... there
would be no further question of assistance from the United States."
The Italian left felt compelled to regularly assure voters that
this would not really happen. This, in turn, inspired American
officials, including Secretary of State George Marshall, to repeat
the threat. (Marshall was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1953.)
* A daily series of direct short-wave broadcasts to Italy
backed by the State Department and featuring prominent Americans.
(The State Department estimated that there were 1.2 million short-wave
receivers in Italy as of 1946.) The Attorney General went on the
air and assured the Italian people that the election was a "choice
between democracy and communism, between God and godlessness,
between order and chaos." William Donovan, the wartime head
of the OSS (forerunner of the CIA) warned that "under a communist
dictatorship in Italy," many of the "nation's industrial
plants would be dismantled and shipped to Russia and millions
of Italy's workers would be deported to Russia for forced labor."
If this were not enough to impress the Italian listeners, a parade
of unknown but passionate refugees from Eastern Europe went before
the microphone to recount horror stories of life behind "The
Iron Curtain".
* Several commercial radio stations broadcast to Italy special
services held in American Catholic churches to pray for the Pope
in "this, his most critical hour". On one station, during
an entire week, hundreds of Italian-Americans from all walks of
life delivered one-minute messages to Italy which were relayed
through the short-wave station. Station WOV in New York invited
Italian war brides to transcribe a personal message to their families
back home. The station then mailed the recordings to Italy.
* Voice of America daily broadcasts into Italy were sharply
increased, highlighting news of American assistance or gestures
of friendship to Italy. A sky-full of show-biz stars, including
Frank Sinatra and Gary Cooper, recorded a series of radio programs
designed to win friends andinfluence the vote in Italy. Five broadcasts
of Italian-American housewives were aired, and Italian-Americans
with some leftist credentials were also enlisted for the cause.
Labor leader Luigi Antonini called upon Italians to "smash
the Muscovite fifth column" which "follows the orders
of the ferocious Moscow tyranny," or else Italy would become
an "enemy totalitarian country". To counter Communist
charges in Italy that negroes in the United States were denied
opportunities, the VOA broadcast the story of a negro couple who
had made a fortune in the junk business and built a hospital for
their people in Oklahoma City. (It should be remembered that in
1948 American negroes had not yet reached the status of second-class
* Italian radio stations carried a one-hour show from Hollywood
put on to raise money for the orphans of Italian pilots who had
died in the war. (It was not reported if the same was done for
the orphans of German pilots.)
* American officials in Italy widely distributed leaflets
extolling US economic aid and staged exhibitions among low-income
groups. The US Information Service presented an exhibition on
"The Worker in America" and made extensive use of documentary
and feature films to sell the American way of life. It was estimated
that in the period immediately preceding the election more than
five million Italians each week saw American documentaries. The
1939 Hollywood film "Ninotchka", which satirized life
in Russia, was singled out as a particularly effective feature
film. It was shown throughout working-class areas and the Communists
made several determined efforts to prevent its presentation. After
the election, a pro-Communist worker was reported as saying that
"What licked us was `Ninotchka'."
* The Justice Department served notice that Italians who joined
the Communist Party would be denied that dream of so many Italians,
emigration to America. The State Department then ruled that any
Italians known to have voted for the Communists would not be allowed
to even enter the terrestrial paradise. (A Department telegram
to a New York politico read: "Voting Communist appears to
constitute affiliation with Communist Party within meaning of
Immigration Law and therefore would require exclusion from United
States.") It was urged that this information be emphasized
in letters to Italy.
* President Truman accused the Soviet Union of plotting the
subjugation of Western Europe and called for universal military
training in the United States and a resumption of military conscription
to forestall "threatened communist control and police-state
rule". During the campaign, American and British warships
were frequently found anchored off Italian ports. Time, in an
edition widely displayed and commented upon in Italy shortly before
the election, gave its approval to the sentiment that "The
U.S. should make it clear that it will use force, if necessary,
to prevent Italy from going Communist."{8}
* The United States and Italy signed a ten-year treaty of
"friendship, commerce and navigation". This was the
first treaty of its kind entered into by the US since the war,
a point emphasized for Italian consumption.
* A "Friendship Train" toured the United States
gathering gifts and then traveled round Italydistributing them.
The train was painted red, white and blue, and bore large signs
expressing the friendship of American citizens toward the people
of Italy.
* The United States government stated that it favored Italian
trusteeship over some of its former African colonies, such as
Ethiopia and Libya, a wholly unrealistic proposal that could never
cometo pass in the post-war world. (The Soviet Union made a similar
* The US, Great Britain and France maneuvered the Soviet Union
into vetoing, for the third time, a motion that Italy be admitted
to the United Nations. (The first time, the Russians had expressed
their opposition on the grounds that a peace treaty with Italy
had not been signed. After the signing in 1947, they said they
would accept the proposal if other World War II enemies, such
as Bulgaria, Hungary and Rumania were also made members.)
* The same three allied nations proposed to the Soviet Union
that negotiations take place with a view to returning Trieste
to Italy. Formerly the principal Italian port on the Adriatic
coast, bordering Yugoslavia, Trieste had been made a "free
city" under the terms of the peace treaty. The approval of
the Soviet Union was necessary to alter the treaty, and the Western
proposal was designed to put the Russians on the spot. The Italian
people had an intense sentimental attachment to Trieste, and if
the Russians rejected the proposal it could seriously embarrass
the Italian Communists. A Soviet acceptance, however, would antagonize
their Yugoslav allies. The US prodded the Russians for a response,
but none was forthcoming. From the Soviet point of view, the most
obvious and safest path to follow would have been to delay their
answer until after the election. Yet they chose to announce their
rejection of the proposal only five days before the vote, thus
hammering another nail into the FDP coffin.
* A "Manifesto of peace to freedom-loving Italians",
calling upon them to reject Communism, was sent to Premier de
Gasperi. Its signatories included two former US Secretaries of
State, a former Assistant Secretary of State, a former Attorney
General, a former Supreme Court Justice, a former Governor of
New York, the former first lady Eleanor Roosevelt, and many other
prominent personages. This message was, presumably, suitably publicized
throughout Italy, a task easy in the extreme inasmuch as an estimated
82 percent of Italian newspapers were in the hands of those unsympathetic
to the leftist bloc.
* More than 200 American labor leaders of Italian origin held
a conference, out of which came a cable sent to 23 daily newspapers
throughout Italy similarly urging thumbs down on the Reds. At
the same time, the Italian-American Labor Council contributed
$50,000 to anti-Communist labor organizations in Italy. The CIA
was already secretly subsidizing such trade unions to counteract
the influence of leftist unions,{9} but this was standard Agency
practice independent of electoral considerations. (According to
a former CIA officer, when, in 1945, the Communists came very
near to gaining control of labor unions, first in Sicily, then
in all Italy and southern France, co-operation between the OSS
and the Mafia successfully stemmed the tide.){10}
* The CIA, by its own later admission, gave $1 million to
Italian "center parties", a king's ransom in Italy 1948{11},
although another report places the figure at $10 million. The
Agency also forged documents and letters purported to come from
the PCI which were designed to put the party in a bad light and
discredit its leaders; anonymous books and magazine articles funded
by the CIA told in vivid detail about supposed communist activities
in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union; pamphlets dealt with PCI
candidates' sex and personal lives as well as smearing them with
the fascist and/or anti-church brush.{12}
* An American group featuring noted Italian-American musicians
traveled to Rome to present a series of concerts.
* President Truman chose a month before the election as the
time to transfer 29 merchant ships to the Italian government as
a "gesture of friendship and confidence in a democratic Italy".
(These were Italian vessels seized during the war and others to
replace those seized and lost.)
* Four days later, the House Appropriations Committee acted
swiftly to approve $18.7 million in additional "interim aid"
funds for Italy.
* Two weeks later, the United States gave Italy $4.3 million
as the first payment on wages due to 60,000 former Italian war
prisoners in the US who had worked "voluntarily" for
the Allied cause. This was a revision of the peace treaty which
stipulated that the Italian government was liable for such payments.
* Six days before election day, the State Department made
it public that Italy would soon receive $31 million in gold in
return for gold looted by the Nazis. (The fact that only a few
years earlier Italy had been the "enemy" fighting alongside
the Nazis was now but a dim memory.)
* Two days later, the US government authorized two further
large shipments of food to Italy, one for $8 million worth of
grains. A number of the aid ships, upon their arrival in Italy
during the election campaign, had been unloaded amid ceremony
and a speech by the American ambassador. A poster prominent in
Italy read: "The bread that we eat -- 40 per cent Italian
flour -- 60 per cent American flour sent free of charge."
The poster neglected to mention whether the savings were passed
on to the consumer or served to line the pockets of the baking
* Four days before election day, the American Commission for
the Restoration of Italian Monuments, Inc. announced an additional
series of grants to the Italian Ministry of Fine Arts.
* April 15 was designated "Free Italy Day" by the
American Sympathizers for a Free Italy with nation-wide observances
to be held.
* The American ambassador, James Clement Dunn, traveled constantly
throughout Italy pointing out to the population "on every
possible occasion what American aid has meant to them and their
country". At the last unloading of food, Dunn declared that
the American people were saving Italy from starvation, chaos and
possible domination from outside. His speeches usually received
wide coverage in the non-left press. By contrast, the Italian
government prohibited several of its own ambassadors abroad from
returning home to campaign for the FDP.
In his historic speech of 12 March 1947, which came to be
known as "The Truman Doctrine", the president had proclaimed:
I believe it must be the policy of the United States to support
free peoples who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed
minorities or by outside pressures. I believe that we must assist
free peoples to work out their own destinies in their own way.{13}
It scarcely needs to be emphasized how hypocritical this promise
proved to be, but the voices which spoke out in the United States
against their government's crusade in Italy were few and barely
audible above the roar. The Italian-American Committee for Free
Elections in Italy held a rally to denounce the propaganda blitz,
declaring that "Thousands of Americans of Italian origin
feel deeply humiliated by the continuous flow of suggestions,
advice and pressure put on the Italians, as though they were unable
to decide for themselves whom to elect."{14}
The Progressive Party also went on record, stating: "As
Americans we repudiate our Government's threat to cut off food
from Italy unless the election results please us. Hungry children
must not go unfed because their parents do not vote as ordered
from abroad."{15} The party's candidate for president in
1948 was Henry Wallace, the former vice-president who was an outspoken
advocate of genuine detente with the Soviet Union. History did
not provide the opportunity to observe what the reaction would
have been -- amongst those who saw nothing wrong with what the
United States was doing in Italy -- if a similar campaign had
been launched by the Soviet Union or the Italian left in the United
States on behalf of Wallace.
Though some Italians must have been convinced at times that
Stalin himself was the FDP's principal candidate, the actual Soviet
intervention in the election hardly merited a single headline.
The American press engaged in speculation that the Russians were
pouring substantial sums of money into the Communist Party's coffers.
However, a survey carried out by the Italian bureau of the United
Press revealed that the anti-Communist parties spent 7? times
as much as the FDP on all forms of propaganda, the Christian Democrats
alone spending four times as much.{16} As for other Soviet actions,
Howard K. Smith presented this observation:
The Russians tried to respond with a few feeble gestures for
a while -- some Italian war prisoners were released; some newsprint
was sent to Italy and offered to all parties for their campaign.
But there was no way of resisting what amounted to a tidal wave.
There is evidence that the Russians found the show getting
too rough for them and actually became apprehensive of what the
American and British reaction to a Communist victory at the polls
might be. (Russia's concern about conflict with the
West was also expressed within a month of the Italian elections
in one of the celebrated Cominform letters to Tito, accusing the
Yugoslavs of trying to involve the Soviets with the Western powers
when "it should have been known ... that the U.S.S.R. after
such a heavy war could not start a new one".){17}
The evidence Smith was alluding to was the Soviet rejection
of the Trieste proposal. By its timing, reported the New York
Times, "the unexpected procedure caused some observers to
conclude that the Russians had thrown the Italian Communist Party
overboard."{18} The party's newspaper had a difficult time
dealing with the story. Washington did as well, for it undermined
the fundamental premise of the Italian campaign: that the Italian
Communist Party and the Soviet Union were indistinguishable as
to ends and means; that if you buy the one, you get the other
as well. Thus the suggestion was put forth that perhaps the Soviet
rejection was only a tactic to demonstrate that the US could not
keep its promise on Trieste. But the Soviet announcement had not
been accompanied by any such propaganda message, and it would
not explain why the Russians had waited several weeks until near
the crucial end to deliver its body blow to their Italian comrades.
In any event, the United States could only come out smelling a
lot sweeter than the Russians.
When the Broadway show had ended its engagement in Italy,
the Christian Democrats stood as the clear winner with 48 percent
of the vote. The leftist coalition had been humiliated with a
totally unexpected polling of but 31 percent. It had been a crusade
of the kind which Aneurin Bevan had ascribed to the Tories: "The
whole art of Conservative politics in the 20th century,"
the British Labour leader wrote, "is being deployed to enable
wealth to persuade poverty to use its political freedom to keep
wealth in power."
NOTES -- ITALY 1947-1948
1. Addressing the Cathedral Club of Brooklyn, 15 January 1948;
cited in David Caute, The Great Fear: The Anti-Communist Purge
Under Truman and Eisenhower (Simon and Schuster, New York, 1979),
p. 15.
2. Robert T. Holt and Robert W. van de Velde, Strategic Psychological
Operations and American Foreign Policy (University of Chicago
Press, 1960) p. 169.
3. Dissolving the cabinet: New York Times, 21 January 1947,
p. 5; 26 January, p. 31; 3 February, p. 1; 5 May, p. 13; 13 May;
14 May; 29 May, p.3; 2 June, p. 24.
4. New York Times, 5 May 1947, p. 1; 11 May, IV, p. 5; 14
May, pp. 14 and 24; 17 May, p. 8; 18 May, IV, p. 4; 20 May, p.
2; Howard K. Smith, The State of Europe (London, 1950), p. 151
(includes Ramadier quote; similar quote in New York Times, 20
5. Time, 22 March 1948, p. 35.
6. William Colby, Honorable Men: My Life in the CIA (New York,
1978), p. 109.
7. Except where otherwise indicated, the items in the succeeding
list are derived from the following:
a) New York Times, 16 March to 18 April 1948, passim;
b) Howard K. Smith, pp. 198-219;
c) William E. Daugherty and Morris Janowitz, A Psychological
Warfare Casebook (Johns Hopkins Press, Baltimore, 1958), pp. 319-26;
d) Holt and van de Velde, pp. 159-205;
e) E. Edda Martinez and Edward A. Suchman, "Letters from
America and the 1948 Elections in Italy", The Public Opinion
Quarterly (Princeton University), Spring 1950, pp. 111-25.
8. Cited in Smith, p. 202, no date of issue given.
9. Tom Braden, "I'm Glad the CIA is `Immoral'",
Saturday Evening Post, 20 May 1967; Braden had been a high-ranking
CIA officer.
10. Miles Copeland, Without Cloak and Dagger (New York, 1974),
pp. 235-6; also published as The Real Spy World.
11. CIA memorandum to the Forty Committee (National Security
Council), presented to the Select Committee on Intelligence, US
House of Representatives (The Pike Committee) during closed hearings
held in 1975. The bulk of the committee's report which contained
this memorandum was leaked to the press in February 1976 and first
appeared in book form as CIA -- The Pike Report (Nottingham, England,
1977). The memorandum appears on pp. 204-5 of this book. (See
also: Notes: Iraq.)
12. Stephen Goode, The CIA (Franklin Watts, Inc., New York,
1982), p. 45; William R. Corson, The Armies of Ignorance: The
Rise of the American Intelligence Empire (The Dial Press, New
York, 1977) pp. 298-9. Corson had an extensive career in military
intelligence and was Staff Secretary of the President's Special
Group Joint DOD-CIA Committee on Counterinsurgency R & D.
13. Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States:
Harry S. Truman, 1947 (U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington,
1963) pp. 178-9.
14. New York Times, 8 April 1948.
15. Ibid., 12 April 1948.
16. Smith, p. 200.
17. Ibid., p. 202.
18. New York Times, 15 April 1948.
This is a chapter from Killing Hope: US Military and CIA Interventions
Since World War II by William Blum