
from the book


Right-wing Power in U.S. Foreign Policy

by Thomas Bodenheimer and Robert Gould

published by South End Press, 1989


... a shadowy international ring of right-wing zealots, free-enterprise ideologues with a sizable streak of monetary greed. ... This international conglomerate includes CIA and ex-CIA operatives, representatives of the military-industrial complex, foreign govemments, anti-communist ideologues in such organizations as the World Anti-Communist League, Third World death squad organizers, international narcotics and arms dealers, and counter-revolutionaries displaced from social revolutions in such places as China, Cuba and Nicaragua. Contragate figures related to this network include Lt. Col. Oliver North, retired Maj. Gens. Richard Secord and John Singlaub, the late CIA Director William Casey and Nicaraguan contra leader Adolfo Calero. We call this grouping the global rollback network ..


Rollback or global rollback seeks the deliberate overthrow of the Soviet Union and of other nations seen as unfriendly to the United States. Selective rollback seeks the deliberate overthrow of particular (mainly Third World) nations but not of the Soviet Union or the Eastern Bloc.


Historically, right-wing means conservative or reactionary, with the term deriving from the French Revolution. In the French National Assembly of 1789, the conservative nobility sat on the presidents's right while the liberal commoners sat on the the left. Analogously, we roughly define the U.S. right wing as those forces that embrace a reactionary world view i.e. those wanting the world to retum to the time when communism did not exist which means global rollback.


... under Reagan, an apparatus was established whose actions could be plausibly denied not only by the president but by the CIA as well.


[During the Korean War, General Douglas] MacArthur, supported by Senator [Howard] Taft and the right wing, had wanted to extend the rollback policy into China; his plan was a naval blockade of China, air bombardment - possibly with atomic weapons- of Chinese industry, troop deployment points, and supply depots, followed possibly by an invasion by Chiang Kaishek. Insubordinate to his Commander-in-Chief Harry Truman, MacArthur continued to make public statements supporting the rollback of North Korea and extension of the war to China. On April 10, Truman was forced to fire him. When MacArthur returned to the United States half a million people greeted him in San Francisco and equally massive welcomes took place in Washington and New York. The public outcry against Truman was huge, including the considerahon of his impeachment by the Republican Right.


With the Republican victory [1952], it appeared that global rollback would become U.S. foreign policy. After winning the election, Eisenhower set up study groups to work out U.S. politico-military strategy, resulting in the policy document NSC-162. Three alternatives were considered: 1) to continue Truman's containment doctrine, 2) to draw a line around the globe and let the Soviets know that if they crossed the line they would be directly attacked by nuclear weapons (nuclear containment) , and 3) substitution of rollback for containment, with a vigorous program of political, psychological, and economic warfare against the communist world along with paramilitary measures such as the infiltration of agents and saboteurs.


... rollback operations in China and the Third World became official U.S. policy. Selective rollback was intstitutionalized as a covert policy residing within the Central Intelligence Agency.


... selective rollback actions directed at governments that were socialist, nationalist, or simply uncooperative with U.S. business interests, remained as a constant, generally covert, feature of U.S. foreign policy [after World War II].


The right wing sees the world as a simple, bipolar battleground between the forces of freedom and justice led by the United States and the "evil empire" of the Soviet Union. The Soviet empire is bent on world conquest, thus, in order to protect and defend freedom, the Soviet empire must be destroyed. There is no room for negotiation. There is no room for comprimise, There is no room for two social systems on the face of this earth.


"The Soviet Union underlies all the unrest that is going on. If they weren't engaged in this game of dominoes, there wouldn't be any hotspots in the world."

President Ronald Reagan


" I don't think Star Wars is feasible and I don't think anyone takes it seriously. It's just a device to make the Russians go broke. But we'll go broke too. It's very much a a John Wayne standoff."

Isaac Asimov


"I don't think we should do anything to take the strain off the Soviet people under conditions of the chronic failure of Soviet agriculture."

Jeane Kirkpatrick


Third World insurgency has been so closely identified with the Reagan Administration that it is now called the "Reagan Doctrine."


The Global Rollback Network from Chiang Kai-shek to Oliver North

" Create and exploit troublesome problems for International Communism, impair relations between the USSR and Communist China and between them and their satellites, complicate control within the USSR, Communist China and their satellites...Counter any threat of a party or individuals directly or indirectly responsive to communist control to achieve dominant power in a free world country.. In areas dominated or threatened by International Communism, develop underground resistance and facilitate covert and guerrilla operations..."

General guidelines for covert operations in President Dwight Eisenhower's 1955 directive NSC-5412/2


The drug trade run though Air America blossomed. As well as supplying the habits of the addicts that at one point comprised over 5 percent of the U.S. armed forces, heroin from the "Golden Triangle" came home to hook tens of thousands of U.S. citizens. Most of the drugs came through Florida via anti-Castro Cuban networks working with the Trafficante organization ...


... the Nugan Hand Bank in Australia, ... would provide a secret source of funding over the next few years for U.S. covert operations, including the destabilization of the Australian Labor Party and possibly the South Africa-backed Savimbi insurgency in Angola... Former CIA Director William Colby served as a lawyer for Nugan Hand. The bank reportedly laundered money for Suharto of Indonesia, provided services for Marcos of the Philippines, and assisted the Shah in shifting money out of Iran.


" From the first day in office, the Reagan White House knew - beyond any reasonable doubt - that Roberto d'Aubuisson planned and ordered the assassination of Archbishop Oscar Arnulfo Romero. The administration of President Carter classified ex-Maj. Roberto d'Aubuisson, accurately, as a terrorist, a murderer, and a leader of death squads."

The Reagan Doctrine: Third World Rollback

The U.S. government can no longer get away with the crushing of democracy around the world directly; to justify its actions it now... graces its rollback actions with the terminology of democracy.


"It is a gross fabrication to claim that the contras are composed of democratic groups".... As I can attest, the 'contra', military force is directed and controlled by officers of Somoza's National Guard.... During my four years as a 'contra director, it was premeditated policy to terrorize civilian noncombatants to prevent them from cooperating with the Government. Hundreds of civilian murders, tortures and rapes were committed in pursuit of this policy, of which the 'contra' leaders and their CIA superiors were well aware."

Edgar Chamorro a former member of the directorate of the Nicaraguan Democratic Force (FDN) of the Contras


The most fraudulent thing about the Nicaraguan election was the part the Reagan Administration played in it. By their own admission, United States Embassy officials in Managua pressured opposition politicians to withdraw from the ballot in order to isolate the Sandinistas and to discredit the regime ... Instead of encouraging the democratic opposition to fight within the system, the Reagan administration did just the opposite. It tried to torpedo the election, thus helping to lose for its clients the considerable influence they otherwise would have had.

John Oaks, former senior editor of the New York Times


... the Reagan Doctrine and Third World democracy ...

1) The "freedom fighters" supported by the Reagan Doctrine have generally been terrorists without a popular base. 2) In some cases the Reagan administration lessened its support for right-wing leaders in the Third World, backing Aquino rather than Marcos, Duarte rather than d'Aubuisson. 3) This move toward Third World democracy was done for pragmatic reasons rather than love of freedom: in El Salvador and Guatemala, to enable military and economic aid to get through Congress; in Haiti and the Philippines to gain more control over anti-dictator movements on the verge of success so as not to "lose" those nations as Iran and Nicaragua were "lost" in 1979. 4) U.S. support for democratic developments in the Third World (for example the Philippines and South Korea) was more a reaction to world events beyond U.S. control than a U.S.-generated policy. The United States did not initiate most of these developments, though Reagan enjoyed taking credit for them. 5) Third World democracies are often fragile, operating at the whim of their militaries. 6) Many right-wing dictatorships are still supported by the United States, such as Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, and Indonesia. 7) The main goal of the United States in the Third World is to maintain imperial control...


" Without the revolution of the thirteen North American colonies, there would never have been a French Revolution...the revolution which gave rise to the United States' nationhood has been the most exported revolution in modern history.

How can one prevent a peasant from another Central American country from hearing, from finding out, from realizing that in Nicaragua land is given to other poor and barefoot peasants like him ? How can you avoid his realizing that here children-not his children-are being vaccinated while his children still die of gastroenteritis and polio?...In that sense, we export our revolution."

Nicaraguan Vice President Sergio Ramirez arguing that the export of revolution - from 1776 to 1979 - is nothing but the free international circulation of new ideas


By the later years of the Reagan regime, a preferred nomenclature suited to U.S. interests became standardized for the Third World. In the case of nations to be rolled back (e.g., Nicaragua), governments were called terrorist and the insurgents were labeled democratic. In the case of countries to be supported against "communist" insurgencies (e.g., El Salvador and the Philippines), the governments were called democratic and the insurgents were labeled terrorists.


The "strategy of worldwide war" through the methods of "low intensity" conflict indicates the degree to which the Reagan Doctrine places the United States at war with the Third World.


Democracy, as Americans understand it, is not necessarily the future of all mankind, nor is it the duty of the U.S. government to assure that it becomes that.

George Kennan, head of U.S. State Department Policy Planning Staff, 1948


Economic Decline: Fertile Soil for Right-wing Growth

...sectors of the business community attempted to solve the economic crisis [of the 1970s and 1980s] through increased military power abroad to allow multinational businesses to penetrate more vigorously into the Third World and increased military spending at home to stimulate the economy. ... In the 1970s and 1980s, when business was less booming, global rollback became a more attractive foreign policy goal.


Ruling Elites Move to the Right

... as is well known, in the United States the making of foreign policy and military decisions is the province of a bipartisan elite, drawn from the executive establishment and from private industry.

Walter Dean Burnham, an expert on U.S. political parties


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